Extrait des archives AltWire : les notables

[Critique d'album] Stone Temple Pilots – Self Titled (2018)

The first item to address when we talk about Stone Temple Pilots is Jeff Gutt. The third permanent front man for STP already has a long standing link to the band having had former ...

Mike Shinoda présente son EP solo « Post Traumatic »

  Huge news for Linkin Park fans! Some incredible new music from Linkin Park founder and co-vocalist Mike Shinoda has just dropped on all music streaming & purchasing services, and is available now for ...

[AltWire Interview] Kalie and Micket of Rivals

We recently sat down with Rivals prior to their debut album. Learn more below! Erin Spencer/AltWire: There’s a lot of excitement around your upcoming debut album, what can fans expect?  Kalie Wolfe/Rivals: More music ...

The Spark – Week of December 18th, 2017

The Spark: Week of December 18th, 2017 Welcome to The Spark, a feature on AltWire where we put the spotlight on fun, exciting and buzz worthy music that we feel deserves your undivided attention.  ...

One More Light en direct

Linkin Park – One More Light Live : un hommage sombre

Lorsque j'ai reçu pour la première fois mon exemplaire d'évaluation de One More Light Live, j'avoue que j'ai ressenti de l'incertitude et de l'inquiétude quant à la façon dont j'allais gérer l'audition de la voix du regretté Chester Bennington, cinq mois après son décès tragique.

The Spark – Week of December 11th, 2017

The Spark: Week of December 11th, 2017 Welcome to The Spark, a feature on AltWire where we put the spotlight on fun, exciting and buzz worthy music that we feel deserves your undivided attention.  ...


[AltWire Interview] Mitch Arnold of Wayland

The below interview with Wayland was conducted over email. It has been edited for clarity.  [Samantha Warren/AltWire]:  I first wanted to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me today. ...

The Comeback Kid

[AltWire Interview] ‎Andrew Neufeld of The Comeback Kid

Check out our interview with Andrew Neufeld of The Comeback Kid below: [Erin Spencer/AltWire]: This is your 6th album, but your first on the renowned Nuclear Blast records, how did that effect the making ...

Franck Iero

[Entretien AltWire] Frank Iero de Frank Iero et la patience

Frank Iero, également connu pour My Chemical Romance, a eu une carrière très variée en tant qu'artiste solo. Découvrez notre interview ci-dessous : [Erin Spencer/AltWire] : Le nouvel EP, Keep The Coffins Coming est un titre intéressant, ...

Dormir dessus

Sleep on It Interview: A Chat With Zech Pluister

After the response from our interview with TJ of Sleep on It, we decided to do yet another interview, this time with Zech. Check it out below! [Samantha Warren/AltWire]: Thank you for taking the ...

3 Releases That Show Why You Shouldn’t Be Sad About Summer Ending

Sunny summer days, daydreaming, dancing in the moonlight and cocktails on the beach are great for a couple of months but it’s time to let autumn fall on you. Let September start by immersing ...

K Enagonio

Interview: K Enagonio

Who is K Enagonio? K Enagonio is a writer for Associated Press, as well as a professional photographer, director, and correspondent. We recently caught up with her to learn more about her for our ...

[Critique de concert] Dashboard Confessional, All American Rejects – Détroit, MI

Les rêves d'adolescent sont devenus réalité pour de nombreux fans de musique lorsque le groupe emo Dashboard Confessional et les pop rockers All American Rejects ont annoncé une tournée en co-tête d'affiche. Lors de la tournée #dcaar, la première partie a été assurée par The Social...

Pirates of Panama

[AltWire Interview] Pirates of Panama

Editor’s Note: This interview with Pirates of Panama was conducted via email. Questions and answers may have been cleaned up for grammar and clarity, however the content has not been altered. [Samantha Warren/AltWire]: Thank ...

Chris Webby

Entretien avec Chris Webby : les mercredis Webby et plus encore…

Editor’s Note: This interview with Chris Webby was conducted via email. Questions and answers may have been cleaned up for grammar and clarity, however, the content has not been altered. [Samantha Warren/AltWire]: I first wanted ...

Au revoir vieil ami : Chester Bennington 1976-2017

Six jours se sont écoulés depuis le décès malheureux du chanteur de Linkin Park, Chester Bennington. Au cours des jours et des heures qui ont suivi, l'équipe d'AltWire s'est retrouvée à lutter pour trouver la bonne personne...

The Nearly Deads

The Nearly Deads Interview: A Chat with Theresa Jeane

Editor’s Note: This interview with Theresa of The Nearly Deads was conducted via email. Questions and answers may have been cleaned up for grammar and clarity, but the content has not been altered. [Samantha ...

Maison de vie

Entretien avec Lifehouse : questions-réponses avec Jason Wade et Bryce Soderberg

Over the past 17 years, Lifehouse has sold over 15 million records, topped several of the most recognized Billboard charts, and sold out hundreds of shows worldwide. Since the release of their debut album ...

#TheSpark : AltWire recommande – Semaine du 15/05/17 au 21/05/17

Bienvenue dans The Spark, une rubrique d'AltWire où nous mettons en lumière des artistes amusants, passionnants et divers qui, selon nous, méritent toute votre attention. Tous disponibles pour une consommation immédiate et dans des formats satisfaisants...

Gallery: May 14, 2017 Kiefer Sutherland at Gruene Hall – New Braunfels, TX

The scene: A rustic barn-type venue in middle-of-nowhere North Texas called Gruene Hall in New Braunfels, Texas. A sold out crowd. This is clearly a toe-tapping, boot-scootin’ type party. The guest of honor: The ...