
Linkin Park prépare une nouvelle musique « incroyable »

par Derek Oswald

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Linkin Park

It would appear as if Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington’s new work with Stone Temple Pilots may have had a benefit on his work with his main band Linkin Park.

In a recent interview done with Rolling Stone magazine, DJ Joseph Hahn of Grammy award-winning rock band Linkin Park stated that he is very excited for the band’s upcoming new record [release date: TBA] and that Chester’s songwriting has improved greatly as a result of his work with his second band Pilotes du Temple de pierre. Quoting from the article, Joe had this to say about Chester’s work on the new record:

“Especially recently, Chester’s songwriting has been incredible. He’ll come to the studio with some stuff where we’re like, “How did that happen?” For him to flex that with Stone Temple Pilots or whoever, he’s definitely a person that has a lot of stuff inside of him, and you can tell by watching him perform it’s there and it needs to come out. You can’t do that on one album – those 12 songs in two years.”

Hahn went on to describe his first motion picture Mall and gave details on the band’s upcoming plans for 2014. To read the whole article, check it out in its entirety at Pierre roulante.

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