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Critique d'album : Jack White – Lazaretto

par Personnel Altwire

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It doesn’t matter what you hear, or where you hear it, the distinct guitar riffs and unique vocals of Jack Blanc can be easily distinguished amongst a sea of imitators and bands that nowadays sound no different from the next Johnny-Come-Lately’s. From The White Stripes to his many side projects, which include The Raconteurs and several others, it’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t considered Jack White to be a household name.

When one presses the infamous play button, with preconceived notions of what they think they’re about to hear, they’re usually spot on– or dead wrong. Jack White’s new album “Lazaretto” exceeds expectations of what is considered to be the norm. It’s hard to classify this album to one specific genre of music, for each of the individual tracks contains a different and very unique element from the next. From the avid Jack White fan, to the normal everyday listener “Lazaretto” surely will not disappoint.

Jack White, who set a record with “Lazaretto” as the fastest recorded ‘from studio to store’ album, released the album over three different platforms: CD, Digital, and the most epic vinyl ever. The vinyl itself contains many cool features, but what really sets it apart from your standard vinyl record, “Lazaretto” projects a hologram when played, making this vinyl the very first of its kind. When I first read about these extra fancy details, one word came to mind– 100% pure ‘swag’.

Blues, Country Bluegrass, Hip- Hop, Funk, a little bit of Jazz and a whole lot of Rock & Roll— this album contains a plethora of elements that you never thought could be thrown into one album by any particular artist. White brings classic to the new modern with this new album and in my personal opinion is a great follow up to his previously released solo album “Blunderbuss”(2012). My personal favorite track from “Lazaretto” is a song titled,”That Black Bat Licorice”. While White’s music may be considered as an acquired taste, I couldn’t help but find myself head bobbing along to every song– no matter how weird I thought the song I was listening to at the time sounded.

For sheer creativity, originality, and musicality, “Lazaretto” has this girl’s vote of confidence. Whether you’re out to take a road trip or if you were out on a bright sunny day just having BBQ & Beer with your buddy’s — Jack White’s “Lazaretto” deserves a spot on your play list.

Jack White- Lazaretto

Third Man Records

Alternative/ Rock

(Release Date: 10/ 06/2014)

Length: 39:20

Liste des pistes :

  1. Three Women
  2. Lazaretto
  3. Temporary Ground
  4. Would You Fight For My Love?
  5. High Ball Stepper
  6. Just One Drink
  7. Alone In My Home
  8. Entitlement
  9. That Black Bat Licorice
  10. I Think I Found The Culprit
  11. Want and Able
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