Note de l'éditeur : Cette interview avec Youth In Revolt was conducted via email. Questions and answers have been cleaned up for grammar and clarity, however, the content has not been altered.
[Mage Mudgway/AltWire]: So “The Broken” is your first full album released with some great tracks that have a very upbeat post-hardcore feel. Where did you draw your inspiration from when making this album?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: The album is themed around growing up and the struggles associated with it, so we took a lot of inspiration from bands like L'occasion and My Chemical Romance because we loved them while we were growing up (and still today).
[AW]: How did you come up with the concept for the cover art on your new album?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: The album art is a metaphor for the fact that our world is beautiful (the flowers) with ugly parts (the gas mask). It’s meant to symbolize the potentially great and progressive day and age that we’re in, as well as the struggles associated with it.
[AW]: What was your favorite song to make while recording the album?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: “Alright” was my favorite because it’s so far from anything that the band has done before! I love pushing boundaries.
[AW]: How have you been enjoying your tour and performing your new set live?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: YES! We’re so lucky to have had an awesome reception of our member changes. Our fans have been going crazy like nothing happened!
[AW]: What is your favorite song to play live? Have you had a favorite venue/state that you’ve performed in?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: My favorite is “Noise” but I’m sure every member would probably tell you a different song. As far as venues go, I think that my favorites are The Masquerade in Atlanta and the Gramercy Theatre in New York!
[AW]: I loved your covers of Ellie Goulding and Lorde and was wondering if we could expect any new covers from you in the near future?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: Thank you! Future covers are possible (and will probably happen one way or another) but we don’t have any plans at the moment. We’ve actually been working heavily on new YIR songs for our next record!
[AW]: How did you find/meet your newer band members? Have you noticed your style has evolved at all since having new members?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: Being a new band member myself, I guess I can only halfway answer that. Our drummer Arvin and I were in a previous band together and we worked with some of the same industry people. It was kind of just a “One thing led to another” situation. Chris was actually the guitarist before the band originally signed and he was too young to tour at the time, but I couldn’t be happier that he’s back.
As far as style goes, I’m not sure if it was because of the member change, but we’re pushing way harder for the “rock” side more so than “metalcore.”
[AW]: Who are your musical inspirations and influences?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: Speaking for myself, my favorite band is Circa Survive and I listen to a lot of indie like Portugal The Man, Sir Sly, and Glades. Everyone in our band has a different favorite genre (though we all listen to everything) and I think that contributes to our writing in an awesome way.
[AW]: What would you like to achieve as a band in 2017?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: Is “everything” a good answer? We want to tour, grow, and write enough to fill 5 records. We love doing this so much, so we just want to keep climbing.
[AW]: Who have been your favorite act to perform with?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: Our friends in Megosh were some of the funniest guys I’ve ever met, so I may pick them. I know the band had an awesome time with Crown The Empire and Volumes also, but I wasn’t in the band at that time.
[AW]: Could we see any musical collaborations in the future from Youth In Revolt?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: We’re open to the idea, but no plans as of now. When Michael Jackson replies to my email I can give you a better answer….. Oh wait….
[AW]: Before we finish this what would you like to say to your fans?
Tanner Allen/Youth In Revolt: We love and value you so much and we hope that you love “The Broken” as much as we do!