Sunny State lanza nuevo video y sencillo: “Solutions”

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por Omayra López

Estado soleado

Estado soleado is bringing on the California vibes and a fresh reggae/island rock style with their debut release, “Solutions”.

Lead Chris “Cristo” Reed described the single as follows:

“As I was writing, I thought about my two daughter’s Violet and Indigo and the type of world they’ve been born into. As flawed as it may be, it is still so beautiful and I want them to focus on solutions and not get caught up in getting down about the problems of the world. Instead, I want them to come together and help lead the charge in solving them.”

Indeed this inspiring song leaves the listener wanting more of their unique and powerful music and lyrics. The band is currently touring locally in California and you can enjoy them live out in the Sunny State! You can also watch the video for “Solutions” aquí.

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