
Nine Inch Nails debuta en televisión en cadena

por Personal Altwire

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One would think after 25 years and massive success, a band like Nine Inch Nails would be perfect for late night television. But only just last night did the iconic outfit led by Trent Reznor make it’s debut on Jimmy Kimmel. The Band Performed Various Methods of escape on air, All Time Low as an internet exclusive, and went on to perform Sanctified, Came Back Haunted, and The Hand That Feeds after the cameras stopped rolling.

The band is currently on the back end of it’s North American “Tension Tour” which wraps at the end of november. And of course if want to see the first time the band played on cable and want a great laugh here is the band performing for Dance Party U.S.A, Lip sync and all.

Source: Loudwire

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