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El grupo progresivo de ocho integrantes de Seattle, Complex Dialect – “Change”

Ultima actualización en

por Personal Altwire

El dialecto complejo

Photo: Hanna Stevens

The Complex Dialect is an 8 piece progressive outfit homegrown from Seattle contributing an array of sounds engulfing the listener in a full blown musical experience. When it comes to their new release “Change” they hold back no punches not only expressing their inner selves musically but lyrically as well.

“Change” addresses problems (Side A) we face in our current political and societal atmosphere while also offering a solution (Side B) side to these issues we are plagued by. The Complex Dialect is a diverse group of individuals who touch on matters such race (Radar), the 1% (Capitalism), addiction (Fall), and inner struggles(No Man’s Land). These dilemmas mentioned are the main focus of (Side A: Problem) giving listeners a copious amount to absorb and process given the circumstances we are presented today.

 “Capitalism” is a track that guitarist Earnie Ashwood describes:

“Capitalism is about living in an economically unforgiving society that is controlled by corporations and the top 1%. The song calls out the external conditioning that creates said economic state while at the same time draws attention to the personal decisions we make that contributes to our own social economic oppression. The brands we buy, how we spend our currency (the most important currency being time), and how we constantly have our financial status on our minds are large contributors towards a system that strips away many of the qualities that make up our very humanity. The song is about taking a step outside of oneself and challenging the personal ignorance of the unwilling contributions one makes to their own personal subjugation.” – Earnie Ashwood

On the release of Change, he further states:

“Words will never be able to express what it means to us to be able to complete and share this album. From the beginning it has been our goal to provide a realistic perspective of where the world stands, and to provide connection and comfort in knowing that we all are not alone in facing challenging issues. It is our sincere hope that this album brings a sense of collective bonding, while providing a safe space for inner reflection and true personal change.” – Earnie Ashwood

The beauty of their album is they not only address problems and then leave the listener hanging, but they come together on (Side B: Solution) and give different  perspectives on how to bring the change we seek. The theme of oneness reigns supreme in “One Constellation” showing that differences can be set aside when we realize we all are from the same source. Side B reflects on the importance of our interactions with others and within ourselves.

The Complex Dialect displays the problems and solutions over a musical landscape infused with Rock, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Alternative organically producing an inventive sound.

Stand-Out Tracks:

“Rude”, “Looking For A Friend For The End Of The World”, “One Constellation”, “Radar”

You can purchase Change LP at:

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