¡El popular 'Tu marciano favorito' regresa el 1 de junio!
The return of Your Favorite Martian is nigh! Ray William Johnson, the creator of the popular animated band, has announced its return on his official YouTube. The comeback date was also revealed: June 1st. ...
Titanic Adventure Out of Time: El juego de tu vida
In recent years, there have been many retellings of the Titanic’s maiden voyage. Yet, none have ever felt as haunting as Cyberflix’s 1996 masterpiece, Titanic: Adventure Out of Time. The 1996 classic transports you ...
Fontaines DC: Post Punk sensacional
Si te apetece escuchar un poco de post-punk espectacular, Fontaines DC. es la banda ideal para ti. El quinteto irlandés acaba de lanzar su tercer álbum Skinty Fia a principios de 2022, y nos encantaría conocerlo.
¡My Chemical Romance regresa! “Foundations of Decay”
The wait is finally over! My Chemical Romance have released a brand new track “The Foundations of Decay” and it’s everything we’d hope for from this iconic band. 8 years may have passed since ...
Trevor Strnad muere a los 41 años: recuerdan al vocalista de Black Dahlia Murder
Con profunda tristeza informamos de la muerte de Trevor Strnad, vocalista de la banda de metal The Black Dahlia Murder. Strnad tenía 41 años. La causa de la muerte ha sido confirmada...
El ex hijo de Die Antwoord, Tokkie, alega abuso infantil
In a shocking YouTube video, Gabriel “Tokkie” du Preez, the adopted son of Die Antwoord members Yolandi Visser and Ninja, has alleged years of abuse allegedly suffered at the hands of his adoptive parents. ...
Concientización sobre el suicidio y la salud mental: cinco formas seguras de obtener ayuda
With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, and in light of the recent suicides of high-profile musicians (such as AVICII, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and Naomi Judd), we wanted to let you know you’re ...
Linkin Park revela nuevas 'Notas de la banda'
Linkin Park fans around the world will soon be able to learn more about the band’s daily lives, through a planned and announced social media feature ‘Notes From The Band’. Today, on the band’s ...
Nueva música de Yeah Yeah Yeahs: la primera en 9 años
After a nine-year hiatus from releasing music, and a four-year hiatus from touring, Yeah Yeah Yeahs may finally be gearing up to release some new music. The band, consisting of vocalist Karen O, guitarist ...
Beavis y Butthead (1993): idiotas divertidos y adorables
¡Beavis y Butthead regresan! El icónico dúo animado regresará a Comedy Central y Paramount Plus en forma de reinicio, y los fanáticos de todo el mundo están de fiesta. Esta nueva serie ...
La sugerencia de un extraño: el circo de los sueños de Slambovia
¿Alguna vez tuviste la oportunidad de conocer a un extraño y descubrir algo nuevo y maravilloso? Hace poco me pasó cuando conocí a alguien que llevaba una camiseta del Circo de los sueños de Slambovian...
Fallece Robert Krakoff, el legendario "Razer Guy" a los 81 años
It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of Robert Krakoff’s passing. Better known as ‘Razer Guy,’ Robert was a gaming icon and Co-Founder & President Emeritus of the current iteration ...
Jon Bon Jovi’s Weak 2022 Vocals: What Is Going On?
It’s no secret that Jon Bon Jovi is a rock icon. With a career spanning more than 35 years, the frontman for Bon Jovi has had an incredible amount of success. The band has ...
Los teléfonos móviles en los conciertos: estás haciendo el ridículo
We’ve all been there. You’re at a concert, and the performer takes the stage. The lights go down, and you hear the first few notes of your favorite song. You start to get excited, ...
Eva Under Fire arrasa con la versión de «Separate Ways»
Metalheads, take note! Do you miss the days of 80s rock and roll? If that’s the case, Eva Under Fire has a new song out, and it’s a cover of Journey’s 80s rock classic ...
Conan Gray anuncia su segundo trabajo como “Superache”
Great news, indie-pop fans! Singer-songwriter Conan Gray has announced his sophomore album “Superache” which will be released on June 24, 2022. The album is currently available for pre-order, and pre-save on all music streaming ...
Reseña de los Sony MDR7506: una leyenda comprobada
Sony Mdr7506 Review When it comes to the music industry, there are a few key roles that are absolutely essential in order for a song or album to be successfully created and brought to ...
Los 5 mejores auriculares para producción musical
Want to know the best headphones for music production? Look no further. These headphones have been selected based on their sound quality, comfort, and price. Producing music is a passion for many people. You ...
“Weapon” – Mantente firme: música nueva y de moda
If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, look no further than Stick to Your Guns‘ new single “Weapon.” The Orange County, California hardcore band is preparing to release its new album Spectre on July ...
La nueva experiencia QR de Rise Against es una visita obligada
Rise Against has released a new interactive music video for their current single, “Talking To Ourselves.” The video is full of encrypted transmissions that fans can discover by scanning special QR codes throughout the ...