Stone Temple Pilots kündigen Frühlingstour an

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

Piloten des Steintempels have announced a thirteen-city spring tour this coming April, pre-sales beginning tomorrow, February 18, at 10:00 AM PST with RSVP codes. Tickets will go on sale to the public Friday, February 20, with $1 of all tickets sold donated to Music for Relief, a nonprofit organization dedicated to disaster relief and environmental protection.

All tour dates and ticket sales can be found HIER.

The tour announcement for Stone Temple Pilots came four weeks into the six weeks of vocalist Chester Bennington’s recovery after an injury to his ankle required surgery back in January, Linkin Park’s winter tour for Die Jagdgesellschaft cancelled . The spring tour will be completed before Bennington hits US and Canadian festivals with Linkin Park in May.

Legal disputes concerning Stone Temple Pilots’ decision to split from founding frontman Scott Weiland and replace him with Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington have also been settled for the spring tour, ‘Stone Temple Pilots with Chester Bennington’ no longer required.

Ultimate Guitar recently asked Weiland his thoughts on Bennington replacing his vocals- “I really don’t think about it much. It’s like our legal suits we had going way behind us now.

“They’re doing what they’re doing and I’m doing what I’m doing and I wish them luck.”

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