Dub-321 / Vom Gefängnis ins Paradies: Ein Chat mit Miles Galli

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von Omayra Lopez


After a small break from the scene, Florida-based Reggae/Ska-Punk band Dub-321 has begun to make their comeback.

Just recently during Etwas dumm’s summer tour, the band played at their Official After Party in Cocoa with St. Petersburg-based band, Summer Survivors and California-based, Tunnel Vision.

We recently caught up with lead singer Miles “Ras” Galli, for a brief chat on how he’s moving the band forward:

AltWire [Omayra Lopez]: How has your transition been from your time in prison to your release?  

Meilen Galli: It was a little strange at first and took some adjusting but I was blessed to have found these guys that I am currently working with so soon. The supportive reception we have received since returning to the scene by both fans, as well as other bands, has been unbelievable. We just picked up a keyboardist, which has really elevated our sound to another level. All in all the transition has been amazing and I couldn’t imagine all this happening any more perfectly.

AltWire [Omayra Lopez]: What’s in store for the band at this moment?

Miles Galli: We are definitely excited to see what the future holds. Right now we are booking more and more shows and expanding our territory systematically. We just got done playing an awesome show with Kash’d Out! We’re also currently working on a new CD titled Braving Babylon that will be finished and released by the end of the year.

AltWire [Omayra Lopez]: Thank you again, Miles for sharing your story with the Altwire family! 

Dub-321 just recently released their live recording, From Prison to Paradise, which was recorded at Captain Hiram’s Sandbar in beautiful Sebastian, Florida. The performance in its entirety can be found and downloaded Hier.

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