Mann singt auf der Bühne mit grünem Licht. Sänger von Fortunate Youth.

Fortunate Youth begeistert ausverkauftes Publikum in der Innenstadt von Deland

Fortunate Youth just finished their East Coast tour, and no venue is too small for this California reggae band. Our team caught them in Central Florida out in Downtown Deland at Cafe DaVinci where ...


Dub-321 – Guilty Murderer (feat. Howi Spangler)

In 2017, while still incarcerated during work release while in transition from a 4-year prison sentence, the Altwire family had the pleasure of connecting with Space Coast-based Florida band Dub-321, now solely comprised of ...

Kruel Sommer

Kruel Summer – „Love You Down“ / Single-Rezension

„Love You Down“, die neueste Single von Kruel Summer, wird die Stimmung während dieser Hitzewelle etwas abkühlen! „Love You Down“ versetzt Sie an einen Sommertag an der Westküste. ...

Künstler, die man im Auge behalten sollte – Kruel Summer

Kruel Summer ist eine aufstrebende Alternative-Reggae-Rockband aus San Jose, Kalifornien. Sie besteht aus Clev Stiles (ehemaliger DJ und Manager von The Holdup), Ben Dimmit, Shane Billings und Chris Reed. Seit 2019 ...


OnlyTheSiah: Interview

Ich hatte das Privileg, Josiah Cameron, künstlerisch bekannt als OnlyTheSiah, kennenzulernen. Geboren und aufgewachsen in der Gegend von Oklahoma City in Oklahoma, lebt er derzeit in Baltimore, Maryland und ist bereit, sich der Sache anzunehmen ...

Spring Break Reggae Fest

Die Festivals sind zurück! Spring Break Reggae Fest 2021

Die Festivalsaison ist zurück! Es ist unnötig zu erwähnen, dass der Frühling 2020 der Beginn einer seltsamen Jahreszeit für die Welt war. 2021 hat vielversprechend begonnen, da unser Land allmählich wieder öffnet ...

Taller Tales - Serendipity

Taller Tales veröffentlicht fantastischen neuen Track „Serendipity“

Baltimore, Maryland-based Alt Rock band Taller Tales has released its latest single, Serendipity.  Serendipity is a great track to listen to when you’re reflecting on life and moments that result in what the title ...

Dub-321 Ich interessiere mich nicht so sehr für Reggae

Dub-321 – Reggae ist mir egal

It’s been over 2 years since Dub-321‘s frontman Miles Galli has made his comeback. Not even a global pandemic has stopped him from pushing forward. Miles took the time to share some of the ...

Dillingers angeheuerte Killer

Witchduck – Dillingers Hired Guns

Dillingers Hired Guns, a solo project from Blaine Dillinger, well known as HIRIE’s lead guitarist has released its latest single, “Witchduck”. “The song is the first in a series of singles I will be releasing with ...

Slightly Stoopid – The Gambler (Kenny Rogers Cover)

Recently, on March 20, 2020, country legend Kenny Rogers well known for his hit, The Gambler passed away at the age of 81.  Whether or not you enjoy country music, at some point you ...

DE Jung

EN Young – Queendom: Eine Hymne für starke Frauen

California reggae artist, E N Young just released his latest single, Queendom, dedicated to the unsung (s)heroes of reggae, the female supporters and artists. This track is very empowering as he addresses women on ...

Iration – 2020 Heat Seekers Tour

Iration is back on the road for their winter tour – appropriately named “Heat Seekers”, and perfect timing if you’re currently seeking some heat for what’s left of this cold season.  Supporting the Hawaii-based ...

Alex Henry Foster veröffentlicht „Summertime Departures“ (2020)

“Windows in the Sky” is the first solo album from Alex Henry Foster, lead singer and songwriter for the Juno Awards nominee post-rock band Your Favorite Enemies. Written between Tangier and Montreal, “Windows in ...

Die Hüftabduktion Silvester 2019 – Altwire läutet das Jahr 2020 ein

Jannus Live was the place to be in St. Petersburg, Florida as the local band, The Hip Abduction closed out 2019 and welcomed in the New Year. They were supported by Delray Beach’s own, ...


Sundive: Ein Chat mit Jason Frilot

Die in St. Petersburg, Florida, ansässige Band Sundive (früher Freelow – eine phonetische Aussprache des Namens des Leadsängers Jason Frilot) kombiniert eine eklektische Mischung aus Rock und Folk und kreiert so einen einzigartigen Sound. Die ...

Wurzeln entstehen

Arise Roots – Komm und hol es dir

Arise Roots’  new single “Come and Get It” is now live on all music platforms.  Produced by Gary Larason (bigG Productions) and Rick Haze with the help of Lewis Richards (17th Street Recording Studios) The ...


Seranation – Dangerous [Neue Musik]

After a successful tour with Sublime with Rome, St. Pete island-rock band Seranation has once again teamed up with Big Rome himself for the production of this catchy tune which combines dub-reggae, rock, and ...

Kulcha Shok Reggae-Sonntag

Kulcha Shok Muziks Reggae Sunday Series – AKA „Church“!

Fall has just begun and in Miami, it’s Reggae Sunday all through October!  This concert series hosted by the legendary Lance-O, is the perfect beachside Sunday Funday, or a unique night out as the ...

Sonniger Staat

Sunny State veröffentlicht neues Video und Single: „Solutions“

Sunny State is bringing on the California vibes and a fresh reggae/island rock style with their debut release, “Solutions”. Lead Chris “Cristo” Reed described the single as follows: “As I was writing, I thought ...


HIRIE veröffentlicht neues Album – Dreamer

California based reggae/tropical-pop band, HIRIE has just released their latest album, Dreamer,  written with the collaboration of The Drive—a.k.a. songwriters Mark Merthe and Nate Evans, and majorly inspired by the book, Women Who Run ...

Artikel von Omayra Lopez