[AltWire-Interview] Katrina Lilly

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von Omayra Lopez

It was at a close friend’s gathering where I met Katrina Lilly. Since that summer of 2016, we developed a strong bond, that she’s been more than just a friend, she’s a soul sister. To know her is to love her.

Music has been a natural part of Katrina Lilly’s life which has now resulted in the release of her debut album, “Gather The Tribe” which is a compilation created with the collaboration of local artists.

Straight out of beautiful Naples, Florida she brings her gifts of art, healing and unity, which she has decided to share with our Altwire family.

[AltWire/Omayra Lopez]: I first wanted to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me today. For our readers who haven’t heard of you yet, can you please tell us about yourself and any other fun facts you’d like us to know? 

[Katrina Lilly]: Music is my favorite thing in the whole universe! I love to create and channel all kinds of sounds. I am a mom to an awesome 4 year-old named Kaia. I’m also a newly wed to my beautiful partner Matt and we make magical music together, beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before, so now, we’re MattKatt and we recently became full-time RV lifers!

[AW]: How would you describe your musical style?

[KL]: My musical style is super eclectic, definitely spiritual/new age but with a modern funk vibe. The con to that, it changes by the moment!

[AW]: What started you on the path to music?

[KL]: My family has always promoted music, I’ve had the same grand piano my whole life and started playing it when I was young. It started with Christmas Carols. My family probably heard “The First Noel” a thousand times… I continued playing and began singing in my church choir when I was 13, then I was very involved in my high school choir and theater. I’ve always really loved music, since I can remember.

[AW]: At what age did you write your first song?

[KL]: I wrote my first song (that I remember) when I was 16. It was called, “To Cry” and it was right after my dad passed away. He was a brilliant musician, but we were never very close, since my parents got divorced when I was young. His death is what really sparked my musicianship. I was never a very powerful musician until he left his body. I’ve always felt like he gave me his music when he died and I think that was the song that really sparked my whole life as a singer.

[AW]: Did you come from a musical background?

[KL]: Yeah for sure… my mom and dad used to be in a band called “Wild and Free” out west in the early 80’s.

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[AW]: What artists have inspired your style? How have they influenced you? 

[KL]: When I was younger I was really into those POWER singers. Martina McBride was a big one for me in middle school. As I got older, I became really into Adele. Ever since moving into the spiritual realm, I felt really inspired by artists like Trevor Hall and Nahko. But the biggest inspirations for me now are Tubby Love and Amber Lilly. Since my music has moved from just me to me and my husband, Matt, together, they are an awesome mirror and beautiful duo to vibe with!

[AW]: What was the writing process like for “Gather the Tribe”? How did you decide which songs went on the album, and which ones didn’t? 

[KL]: The album writing process was wild! It was such a group effort… there was very little “writing.” Most of the music was free-styled, layered in piece by piece, artist by artist. My producer, Alex Casement of Sugarshack Sessions was a HUGE part of the whole process. He really believed in me and trust my non-traditional approach. In the end, almost all the songs made it on the album.

[AW]: How did you and Matt meet and how has he helped you on your journey? 

[KL]: Matt sat down in the back row at a festival I was playing at and we couldn’t stop staring at each other. It was awkward because I was in the middle of my set and couldn’t see anything else. When we introduced afterward, I found out that he had just gotten off the plane from his home in Africa and that a mutual friend of ours had already told us about each other and how we had to meet! It was a magical first sighting. From then til now has been quite the roller coaster, as most of these ancient unions are…. But finally, we ended up in union together, creating beautiful music and the life of our dreams, and I can’t describe my gratitude for him here now!

[AW]: What message would you like to give out to your fans and future listeners? 

[KL]: My message is that you are loved unconditionally and uncontrollably. You are powerful beyond your wildest dreams and you are here to create beauty in whatever way feels good.

Gayatri (Official Video):

One (Official Video):

Connect with Katrina:









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