
Slipknot part ways with Joey Jordison

by Altwire Staff

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One the biggest bands in metal, Slipknot, have split ways with drummer and founding member Joey Jordison.  The band released this statement via the bands official website:

“To our Maggots and fans around the world,

It is with great pain but quiet respect, that for personal reasons Joey Jordison and Slipknot are parting ways. We all wish Joey the best in whatever his future holds. We understand that many of you will want to know how and why this has come to be, and we will do our best to respond to these questions in the near future. It is our love for all of you, as well as for the music we create, that spurs us to continue on and move forward with our plans for releasing new material in the next year. We hope that all of you will come to understand this, and we appreciate your continued support while we plan the next phase of the future of Slipknot.

Thank you, The ‘Knot”

This comes as a huge shock as Jordison was a huge part of the writing process and a fan favorite. This now leaves the band without yet another major songwriter. The other being Paul Gray, who’s death has kept the band from recording a new record since 2008’s “All Hope Is Gone.” It certainly will be interesting to see how things happen from this point on as Jordison said he had “over 40 songs written for the new record.” The reasons for the break up are unknown at this point but they seem to be amicable terms.  Stay tuned for further details.

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