«Me AF» — мое интервью с Кевином Флумом

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к Эл Гибсон

It’s refreshing when you meet a young person with the gonads to put everything on the line in order to reach his goals.

A goal that many people believe is unattainable. As these same people watch those impossible goals being achieved, they become something else. An entirely different species. They become…


2 weeks ago, we did a spotlight article on Kevin Flum’s, “The Wake Up”. After interviewing Kevin, I can tell you that these are the types of people that Kevin Flum keeps away from his circle of loyalty. He is an inspiration for many dream chasers. Dream chasers who are re-creating the stereotypical profile of a хип-хоп artist.

Stay tuned, hip-hop is about to become more diverse than it has ever been. Thanks to artists like Kevin Flum.

Kevin Flum

At what point did you decide, “Yo, this is it. I’m goin in full time as an emcee”?

Kevin Flum: After my second year of college was over. I was just ready to put my all into it to see where it would lead me.

When we did the Spotlight article on The Wake Up, we got a huge response from your fans. What is it like going from just a kid writing raps to an emerging star with a real following?

It’s a crazy feeling knowing that millions of ears have heard my stuff and rock with it.  I get a lot of messages everyday from people telling me how much they like my material and that they’ve maybe became inspired by what I’m doing to chase dreams of their own.  Its definitely a good and humbling feeling.

You were actually in college when you decided to take a break from school to be an emcee  Do you ever plan to go back?

Maybe at some point I see myself knocking out my 4 year degree online or something.  I’m way too invested in music as of lately so maybe in the future.

You have an exciting flow filled with bars that may seem like punchlines but lyrically you’re just speaking your reality. Was it hard work to get to this point? The point you’re at now?

Yes I’ve been writing my own stuff for about 8 years now, and it took so much living and learning to be able to talk about what I do. Learning rhyme patterns and learning to read and listen to instrumentals all came from really teaching myself and learning off the inspiration I got from at the time stars.

яf you had to come up with a name for your rap style, what would it be?



These days, more artists are retaining maximum control over their brand. It seems like record labels are relics of the past. Dinosaurs. Do you plan to go the route of so many other artists and only seek distribution?

It’s always been in my vision that I was going to do this independently with my closest friends aka my team.  Its so much more organic that way, sure it might be harder but nothing worth having comes easy these days.

Who is your favorite emcee of all time?

Drake. You can’t name a bad song by my mans.

On The Wake Up, you have a line that says, “And they say I can’t rap cause I ain’t that hood”. I don’t believe rap belongs solely to the hood, but a lot of people do. How do you deal with that type of attitude?

F**k you and f**k you is what I say!  People with that closed of a mind have no business around what I’ve got going on.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? What’s the first vision that pops up in your head?

I see my music on a higher and more advanced level.  I see everybody on the team doing well and I see nothing but dreams coming true because that’s what follows hard work and talent.

What can we expect next from Kevin Flum?

Album coming soon! Thank You.

Make sure you  follow Kevin on SoundCloud at: soundcloud.com/kflum or on Twitter: @KFlum for more updates and new music!


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