Remix Post Traumatic – Presented by ALTWIRE – WINNER

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by Derek Oswald

Three weeks ago, AltWire and Mike Shinoda challenged artists and producers across the globe to put their most unique and creative spin on tracks from his recently released Post Traumatic EP. We were blown away by the response to this contest, and the quality of the work put in to the 250+ submissions we received was simply undeniable. After several days of listening to every submitted remix, the judging committees decided on five wonderful finalists for us to send to Mike Shinoda for consideration, and it is now time for us to announce Mike’s pick for the grand prize winner:

Watching As I Fall (Mac Oddy Remix)

Congratulations Mac Oddy! Here are some words about the remix from the winner himself:

“With ‘Post Traumatic’, Mike has provided an important voice for many, in his open and frank dealings with loss, grief, doubt, expectations and fragility – but also, in spite of all this, a defiance and a willingness to keep going. I wanted to create something that was a celebration of this. A statement of intent that it’s okay to fall, but that there also comes a time to get back up, to keep going and to allow for the hope that tomorrow might be a brighter day. Please enjoy – and thank you!”


As the grand prize winner, Mac will be receiving an original piece of art signed by Mike Shinoda, with the remaining four runners up receiving a special autographed item from Mike as well.

Here are the finalists picked by all five committees (in no particular order):

Finalist 1 (AltWire):

Finalist 2 (LPA):

Finalist 3 (LP Fan Corner):

Finalist 4 (LPLive):

Finalist 5 (LP Ambassadors Global Pick):

We here at AltWire would like to take a quick opportunity to thank all of the contestants for their enthusiasm, and participation. Your imaginative new takes on these songs were impressive and inspiring and we hope to continue to hear your talents in future remix contests. Thank you for entering!

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