
October Sky Tour Diary: Day Off and New York City

by Altwire Staff

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October Sky Tour Diary

October Sky Tour Diary – New York City

After the show last night, we crashed in a Walmart parking lot and were woken up by construction in the area.

Today we have a day off: We’re currently between Michigan and New York City. We’ve rented a spot for the RV at a campground in Pennsylvania, where we met up with the boys from Assuming We Survive. Together we had a campfire, drinks, good food and good company. It was a fun night talking with the guys and just getting to know them on a personal level instead of just when we’re working at shows.

We also ran into some locals at the campground. One of the guys had a go kart, so he popped in Assuming We Survive’s EP and we listened to it in full with them.

It was a fun and late night for all of us. I feel so fortunate to be on tour with such down-to-earth musicians and people. Karl and Alex from October Sky have been so great, helpful, and patient while teaching me the ropes on the road.


Today we were back in my neck of the woods: New York City. I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment being home for a show and touring in one of my states.

If you told me I’d be working a Webster Hall show, I would of laughed at you and told you to get the hell out of here. Tonight’s show was at The Studio, which is honestly my favorite venue. It’s intimate and I love the fun, friendly vibe. When you travel to a lot of different venues, you’re bound to meet a bunch of new people every night. Everyone I’ve met so far on tour has been friendly, and I think I’ve made some new friends at every venue.

I have four days left on this tour and I’m definitely bummed. It’s been such a crazy learning process and I know I have so much more to learn about touring and the industry, but I’m so thankful for the knowledge and experience October Sky has given me this week.

My challenge has been photography. While I’ve gotten some good shots, I have to keep remembering I have an all access pass. I guess you could say I’m shy when it comes to just walking on the stage with the band because I hate feeling all eyes on me, but for the last few days on this tour that’s going to be my mission: To get some really
good shots and get out of my comfort zone.

This tour has pushed my limits in many ways, but it’s taught me so much about myself and how far I’ve actually come as a person and what I can keep working on. I guess I’m self-critical in a lot of ways, but that’s one thing I’m trying to change.

I’ve had a lot of time to reflect. I met someone on this tour who told me not to be afraid to open up when you know it’s right. That’s some solid advice I’ll keep with me: Always trust your gut and intuition.

Tomorrow we’re headed to Connecticut. We’re all excited to finally get to sleep in. Last night we were camping with Assuming We Survive which was a blast. Let’s just say my Red Bull gave me much-needed wings tonight. I tried to stay caffeine-free on this tour, but sometimes it has to happen.

Now we’re off to find a place to crash for the night. More updates to follow.

Next: On The Road With October Sky – Hamden

Previous: On The Road With October Sky – Pontiac, MI

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