After an extremely successful era with My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way is getting his solo career started! His debut solo album Hesitant Alien is due out on September 30th via Warner Bros. Records. Pre-order of Hesitant Alien is starting tomorrow, August 19, HERE and includes an instant download of the new single “No Shows”. Its music video will also be released tomorrow.
For a first taste listen to “Action Cat”:
Gerard Way’s creativity seems to have no limits. Next to his music career with My Chemical Romance, he is also known as a visual artist and writer of several comic books and Marvel just hired him to write a new Spider-Man comic. The former MCR lead singer definitely has the potential to create something big, but will he also succeed as a solo act? His description of the album’s style sounds very promising:
“I wanted to make the small things sound big. My intention was to make 100 percent uncompromised art, using the currently least radio-friendly instrument, the guitar. I knew there would be lots of fuzz pedals. I knew I would play Fender instruments. I knew I would look at who my guitar heroes were in art school, Mary Timony and Carrie Brownstein, and I drew a lot of influence from shoe-gaze and Britpop. I want the record to sonically galvanize people.”
Gerard seems to follow the new trend of a guitar-driven style à la Black Keys, Royal Blood or Arctic Monkeys instead of choosing the more electronic sound we last heard of MCR on Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys – this is gonna be interesting!
Maybe he will debut some new songs during the secret show he has just announced on Twitter:
Wednesday. Portsmouth. Wedgewood Rooms. Me, and 400 of you. Fuzz pedals, hormones, and extraterrestrials.
— Gerard Way (@gerardway) August 18, 2014