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Test du Sony MDR7506 : une légende qui a fait ses preuves

par Derek Oswald

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Sony Mdr7506 Review

When it comes to the music industry, there are a few key roles that are absolutely essential in order for a song or album to be successfully created and brought to market. Producers and Mixing Engineers rank among the most important of these positions, as their work is what takes a good recording and makes it great. In order for your music to reach its full potential, it is essential that you find a quality set of headphones to monitor your work with. This is where the Sony MDR7506 comes in.

Le Sony MDR7506 has been a trusted staple among Producers and Mixing Engineers for years, and with good reason. They are extremely comfortable to wear for long periods of time, and their sound quality is second to none. In addition, they are very affordable, which is a huge bonus for those working within a tight budget.

If you are in the market for a new set of headphones to use while producing or mixing music, the Sony MDR7506 should definitely be at the top of your list. Pros like Mike Shinoda et Paul Van Dyk have been making use of them for decades, and they’re sure to please any professional.

But don’t take our word for it, here’s what some people are saying about the Sony MDR7506s in several five star reviews:

Out of all that I’ve tried the Sony 7506 are closest to perfection, to live performance. They are not bass heavy at all but can produce comfortable solid bass down to quite low frequencies. Tonal balance leans towards the upper mids and highs. Bright but not harsh. You end up hearing subtle sounds in the music that is missing with other headphones. Those who want more bass or don’t want bright highs won’t like these. But for my listening taste this matches perfectly.”

As an audio producer, especially in the radio and music industries, these have been my go-to headphones for years. They sound fantastic yet natural and their ear-pads assure virtually no sound monitor leakage at loud volumes. Under rugged pro use, a pair of 7506s last a decade or so unless you yank the cord out or step on them.”

“The sound. The glorious, clear, nuanced sound. Just amazing, and if you’ve always wondered how music is supposed to sound, these are your new headphones. There is a reason these are used in studios by professionals and have been for over 20 years (in which time, the design of the headphones has never changed!). There is no bias in the sound profile, just balance and clarity like nothing you’ve ever heard before.”

25 years later they remain by far the go to headphones of audio pros everywhere. They were high resolution before there was high resolution, Hi Res. The Sony MDR7506 is a true classic. They are great for all genres of music but they will not fake it. If the source ain’t good, then the source will not sound good. But if the source is good, then the sound will be just as good. Lead vocals and lead guitars will take their place at center stage. Everything will be in its place the way the artists and engineers wanted it. And everything will be heard. Great music comes into full bloom. Hallelujah!”

“The clarity of sound is simply amazing in these headphones. You hear things as they were originally recorded and intended to be heard. You will hear things in your music that you never heard before – you never realized it was there. Chances are good that the engineer who was mixing the audio you are listening to was wearing these same headphones while doing the mixing. Some people complain that these headphones have too flat of a sound profile.

But that’s what you want. These are “studio monitor” headphones. You don’t want the headphones to emphasize or de-emphasize anything. If you want more base, do that with a pre-amp, not with the headphones. Because the next genre of music you listen to may not sound good through a set of headphones that artificially emphasize bass. A rap song may benefit from shaking your brain within your skull with pumped up bass, but a Chopin piano nocturne will not.”

I use these headphones for everything from piano practice, to classical music, to rock music, to vocals, to audiobooks. They excel at everything I have thrown at them. I could not be happier.”

As reviewers have noted, the Sony MDR7506 headphones have been around for over 25 years and are the choice of studio professionals due to their accurate sound reproduction. They are great for all genres of music, but are especially well-suited for classical, rock, and vocal music. Reviewers love the clarity of sound and the balanced profile, which allows them to hear things in their music they never realized were there.

While some people find the sound too flat, this is exactly what you want in a studio monitor headphone – an accurate representation of the original recording. If you are looking for a versatile and reliable pair of headphones that will last you for years to come, the Sony MDR7506 should be at the top of your list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the ideal customer for the Sony MDR7506 Professional Stereo Headphones?

The Sony MDR7506 headphones are not the same as Beats, Bose, Skullcandy, or other types of headphones. They’re meant for studio professionals and mixing engineers rather than casual listeners. Most consumer headphones have a focus on overwhelming bass or a certain sound profile, which colors your music. These are intentionally flat for mixing purposes. Because to their flat frequency response, these headphones aren’t built for everyday listening.

As a result, if you’re searching for a pair of headphones to bring with you on your commute or to the gym, they are probably not the right choice. However, if you are a studio professional, either with years of experience, or just starting in your bedroom, these are about as accurate as you’re going to find in terms of sound reproduction.

Is the Sony MDR7506 good for recording music?

Yes! Because of the Sony MDR7506’s closed-back design, they are less prone to sound bleeding into your recordings. And because of their accurate sound reproduction, you can be confident that you’re receiving a true representation of how your songs truly sound.

What is the price range?

The Sony MDR7506 headphones traditionally have a list price of around $99.99. Amazon usually has a good deal on them going on at all times. Click here to purchase them on Amazon.


Conclusion paragraph: So there you have it, our take on the Sony MDR7506 headphones. Although we’ve only scratched the surface of what these headphones can do, it’s evident that they are a studio essential for anyone looking to get accurate sound.

Whether you’re a professional engineer mixing for hours on end or an amateur musician wanting to get the most accurate representation of your music, the Sony MDR7506 headphones are a great option that will give you years of use. With a flat frequency response and durable design, these headphones will be a mainstay in your audio arsenal for many years to come. We believe they are some of the best out there for mixing and would highly recommend giving them a try if you’re in the market for a new pair.

However, if you’re looking to do further research, check out our article ici that can provide you with some decent alternatives.

What are your thoughts on this review? Do you own a pair of the Sony MDR7506 and agree with our beliefs, or do you feel another is a better option? Please tell us what your favorite headphones to use while mixing are below!

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