Nouvelle musique de Yeah Yeah Yeahs : la première depuis 9 ans

Dernière mise à jour le

par Derek Oswald

Ouais ouais ouais

After a nine-year hiatus from releasing music, and a four-year hiatus from touring, Ouais ouais ouais may finally be gearing up to release some new music.

The band, consisting of vocalist Karen O, guitarist Nick Zinner, and drummer Brian Chase, known for their hits “Maps” and “Heads Will Roll,” has been relatively quiet music-wise since their last album Mosquito in 2013, and the last tour dates in 2018. However, they’ve now resurfaced with a teaser for upcoming shows in New York and Los Angeles, and with that, fans can hear the first glimpses of what may be the future of the band.

Karen O had stated back in 2020 that she was ready to make new music, and that it was time to put something new out there. Of course, with the pandemic, it was anyone’s guess as to how long it would take for us to see this incredible band back in the studio. But it seems like the wait may finally be over. For fans of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, this is amazing news and hopefully, we can expect new music sooner rather than later.

Check out the snippet below:

Are you excited about this potential new music? Let us know in the comments!

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