Fall Out Boy annonce son prochain album

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par Personnel Altwire

The moment we’ve been waiting for since the release of their hit single ‘Centuries’ is finally here! Fall Out Boy have announced that they will be releasing their 6th studio album on January 19th, 2015. It was rumored that the upcoming album will be named after the hit single; however, the the rumors were false and the album will be entitled ‘American Beauty/American Psycho’. The band also premiered a song with the same title on BBC today and it is still unknown whether or not this song will be their next US single.

‘American Beauty/American Psycho’ will be available digitally worldwide starting on December 8th. Beginning December 15th, the album will be available for pre-order and with every pre-order, fans will receive an instant download of the track and UK single ‘American Beauty/American Psycho’. They will also receive the band’s hit single ‘Centuries’ as well as an additional track yet to be named, all via iTunes. Listen to the single below!



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