Deftones To Release New Album Fall 2015

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par Personnel Altwire

Frontman Chino Moreno expects Deftones’ new album to drop later this year some time around ‘September or October,’ their first release since Koi No Yokan in 2012 and after Moreno’s focus on his side projects Palms, Team Sleep and Crosses. He talked with Pierre roulante on the new record-

“I think it’s a little more of a heady record,” said Moreno when comparing the upcoming album to their last; “I feel like we’ve gone into the songs and really dissected them. If something sounded a little straight, we took a left turn and made things a little screwy. We just tried something completely opposite, not to sabotage it, but to challenge ourselves and try new things that we haven’t done in the past.”

The new album has already produced sixteen songs, with Moreno not seeing any of them as a follow-up to Koi No Yokan but as a departure, the upcoming album remaining a definite ‘Deftones record.’

“The songs are amazing and we wrote them in a really cool way.

“We had all of us in a room together with one person expressing an idea and another person jumping on it. The songs are really built as a collective,” Moreno talks of the new songs, “we have five guys who have almost completely different takes on music, so when it works- it works great.”

Until these songs are revealed later this year, Crosses are on hiatus and Team Sleep are holding a new album until the time is right to release it. For right now Moreno’s focus is entirely on Deftones for the time being. Make sure to catch them as they headline the Sunset Stage this May at Rock In Rio USA and Amnesia Rockfest in Canada this June. Tickets ICI.

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