Danny Worsnop parle de son départ d'Asking Alexandria

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par Personnel Altwire

Danny Worsnop has announced his departure from Asking Alexandria as their lead vocalist, committing entirely to We Are Harlot and a solo album now in development. He spoke out on the decision this week in an interview with  Artisan News alongside Harlot’s guitarist Jeff George, explaining “it was just time for us to part ways. We reached a point, musically, where we wanted different things.”

Worsnop added, “And I want nothing but the best for them. I wish them all the best in the future, and I will always follow it and support it.”

When asked about playing in Alexandria against Harlot, Worsnop stated that he could not compare the bands, as the two featured completely different music and people. He hopes that despite the differences, fans from both bands can support one another and “give [the music] a shot,” as George says.

Asking Alexandria’s new vocalist is unknown to fans as well as to Worsnop himself, with Denis Shaforostov of Down & Dirty, formerly of Make Me Famous, a heavily rumored replacement for their vocalist. Alternative Press speculates Shaforostov to most likely replace Worsnop based on the similarity between Asking Alexandria and Make Me Famous, and the fact that the vocalist has seemingly been working on a new project in time with Worsnop’s leave.

More on the reasoning to believe Shaforostov as Asking Alexandria’s new vocalist can be read ICI.

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