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[Critique de concert] Steel Panther @ O2 Academy – 20/01/2018

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par Personnel Altwire

There’s not much you can say about Panthère d'acier that hasn’t already been said before. When they first came onto the scene back in 2009 you didn’t know if these guys were for real, or if they were a comedy show. As we all grew to either love them or hate them, we realized that this was a comedy act playing a part as if they were a modern day Spinal Tap. Their lewd sexual jokes, their lycra trousers, ripped T-shirts and big hair all came as a bit of a shock to today’s pretty boy rock stars. Fast forward 9 years and Michael Starr and co are still churning out album after album of the same sexually explicit glam metal.

The same can be said for their live show. Whilst it is certainly entertaining, you definitely can not say they are doing anything new. I have now seen them a few times here in Glasgow, and it appears the only thing to have changed is a few more wrinkles in the old boys and the songs in the set list.

This being said, you don’t exactly go to a Panthère d'acier show, unless you know what you are going for. You go to the show because you are expecting the sexual deviance, the toilet humor, the bad hair, the lycra trousers showing everything on offer. You get all this in truck loads. Two songs into the set and we are delivered the first of the seemingly rehearsed comic routines between Starr and Satchel, all the whilst Lexxi re applies his lip gloss for what must have been at least 5 minutes. Whilst it is entertaining, it is a little tired. The set continues following the same format throughout.

There is no denying the musical genius within these four. Starr and Satchel possess enough talent on their own instrument to rival any of the greats throughout rock history.

All in, it was an entertaining show. Although I feel the time is slowly running out for the Panther guys, they are going to continue to squeeze every moment they can out of their success.

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