[Entretien AltWire] L'artiste Becky Daly

Artists are the glue that holds us together in this world. Stories, photos, paintings, statues, music, video games, and multiple other things keep us together. Without artists and what they do, our world would ...

Critique de la saison 2 de Kingdom

Kingdom Season 2 came out with a bang. Within the first 30 seconds, you already saw hordes of zombies running at the main characters. Unlike the first season, it took a couple of episodes ...

La saison 1 de Kingdom a-t-elle été à la hauteur du battage médiatique ? Mon avis.

An army of well-trained soldiers being led by a manipulative and sly grandfather wanting to kill you and a horde of flesh-eating zombies wishing to have you for a midnight snack? What could go ...

Articles by Elysant Avery