Young The Giant have announced the launch of their brand new single โMind Over Matter”,ย the title track from the Southern California-based rock bandโs second album Mind Over Matter. The band will perform the national television premiere of the song on NBCโs โLate Night with Seth Meyersโ on May 5th (check local listings), and you can download the song on iTunes now. Additionally, a music video directed by Tim Nackashi (Death Cab For Cutie, TV on the Radio, OK Go) is currently in pre-production.
In related news, Clear Channel will host an exclusive performance featuring Young The Giant as part of the iHeartRadio Live series on Wednesday, May 14th, at 7PM (PST) at the iHeartRadio Theater Los Angeles. The event will feature a live performance as well as an intimate Q&A with the band. The event will broadcast live on-air as a 30-minute special on Clear Channel ALT and AAA radio stations, with a 60-minute live video stream online across station websites and
On the heels of a sold out headlining tour of their own, Young The Giant will be joining Kings Of Leon as special guests on the next leg of the โMechanical Bull Tourโ. The extensive run begins on July 31st at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in St Louis, MO, and continues through early October. Young The Giant is also set to make a number of stops at festivals such as Firefly Music Festival, Bunbury Music Festival, and Lollapalooza. This means that the band is pretty much touring North America non stop for 6 months! For up to the minute news and ticket availability, please visit
Tour Dates
# Headlining Show
+ Festival Date
* Supporting Kings of Leon
02 West Palm Beach, FL – SunFest +
15 Santa Barbara, CA – Santa Barbara Bowl +
14 Chattanooga, TN – Riverbend Music Festival +
19 Dover, DE – Firefly Music Festival +
21 Wallingford, CT – The Dome @ Oakdale Theatre #
08 Quebec City, QC – Festival dโete Intl de Quebec +
10 Ottawa, QC – Ottawa Bluesfest +
11 Buffalo, NY – Buffalo Outer Harbor +
12 Sterling Heights, MI – Mo Pop Festival +
13 Cincinnati, OH – Bunbury Music Festival +
18 Pemberton, Canada – Pemberton Music Festival +
26 Tulsa, OK – Center Of The Universe Festival +
31 St. Louis, MO – Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre *
03 Chicago, IL – Lollapalooza +
05 Toronto, ON – Molson Canadian Amphitheatre *
09 Mansfield, MA – Xfinity Center *
10 Saratoga Springs, NY – Saratoga Performing Arts Center *
13 Wantagh, NY – Nikon at Jones Beach Theatre *
15 Bristow, VA – Jiffy Lube Live *
16 Bethel, NY – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts *
20 Cuyahoga Falls, OH – Blossom Music Center *
23 Indianapolis, IN – Klipsch Music Center *
28 Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center *
29 Pittsburgh, PA – First Niagara Pavilion *
03 Virginia Beach, VA – Farm Bureau Live at Virginia Beach *
05 Tampa, FL – MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre*
06 West Palm Beach, FL – Cruzan Amphitheatre *
09 Atlanta, GA – Aaron’s Amphitheatre at Lakewood *
10 Birmingham, AL – Oak Mountain Amphitheatre *
12 Dallas, TX – Gexa Energy Pavilion *
13 Austin, TX – austin360 Amphitheatre *
16 Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion *
17 Raleigh, NC – Walnut Creek Amphitheatre *
24 Denver, CO – Red Rocks Amphitheatre *
26 Albuquerque, NM – Isleta Amphitheatre *
27 Las Vegas, NV – MGM Grand Garden Arena *
30 Sacramento, CA – Sleep Train Amphitheatre *
01 Concord, CA – Concord Pavilion *
03 Los Angeles, CA – Hollywood Bowl *
05 Irvine, CA – Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre *