
Weezer lanza un nuevo disco en formato casete

por Personal Altwire

Ultima actualización en

Weezer Todo estará bien al final
Weezer Todo estará bien al final

Weezer was not kidding when they said they were “taking it back to the shack”.  Come October 7th, Weezer will not only be releasing their new album, ‘Everything Will Be Alright In The End’,  as a CD and Vinyl to the public, but as a cassette tape as well.

The limited edition cassette will be released via Burger Records with four different versions, signed by the members of the band. Because a cassette is a cheaper format, it’s a cheaper price, and will only cost $15.  The tape will go up for pre sale on Friday, September 26th in Burger’s Secret Menu.

This coming Saturday is the second annual Cassette Store Day, so, in a way, this cassette announcement promotes the small holiday. This cassette tape will only be available for a limited time, so it may be time to break out the old boom box and give it a whirl. We already have a high expectations for ‘EWBAITE’, so whether it’s a CD, vinyl, or cassette, I have a feeling Weezer will not disappoint.



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