The first time we met up with frontman Danny Case and From Ashes to New in 2016, it resulted in perhaps one of the most bizarre (and enjoyable) interviews in ten years of the site (congratulations, guys).
While in this episode, things are certainly much more focused, Danny doesn’t disappoint!
Due to release his third album with the band later this year, we discuss Danny’s experiences with From Ashes To New, the creative process behind “Nightmare,” and his experiences going from the new singer to a solid contributor to the band’s creative input three albums later.
We’ll never forget the primer tiempo we interviewed From Ashes To New, back on the Warped Tour, and back when they had a slightly different lineup. It was one of the most bizarre and off-the-wall interviews we’ve ever had as a website.
Si bien este podcast es un poco más suave, se adentra en un terreno atrevido, ya que también aprendemos por qué Juego de bolos and From Ashes To New should never mix in one of our most X-Rated moments on the podcast yet. Make no mistake; this episode is most definitely NSFW! It may be a long time before we find another story to top the one shared by Danny in this episode. Seriously, it’s that funny and that good.