October Sky Tour Diary: Pontiac, MI

Ultima actualización en

por Personal Altwire

Diario de la gira Sky Tour de octubre

Cielo de octubre Tour Diary – Pontiac, MI stop

Tonight, Cielo de octubre played at The Pike Room in Pontiac, Mich. It’s currently 2 a.m. and we’re headed to a truck stop for the night. Tomorrow we have an off-day and a long-ass drive to get back to New York City.

It’s surreal to think I’ll be back in my neck of the woods, and so close to where I work and live. Granted I won’t be at either places while we’re “home” so I can’t complain. I’m grateful for my time off and for this experience.

Tonight in Michigan was so much fun. The people at the venue really make or break the show. And let me tell you… tonight I met a bunch of interesting characters.

Fun fact: don’t get so wasted at a show where you try to crowd surf and the lead singer of a band has to tell you to chill out. Just sayin’. Also, don’t strip in the middle of a room with random people to put your new shirt on.

Besides that, the people were great. I met three awesome people at my merch table tonight. We hit it off so well we ended up going out clubbing and for drinks with them after the show. It’s cool little moments like that when you realize that being friendly goes a long way, even if it means starting a simple conversation. You never know who you’re going to meet. We had so much fun with these guys tonight, and it was a well deserved night out for all of us.

Despite the long drive tomorrow, we’re looking forward to our New York City show. Seems like everyone on tour is pumped about it and it should definitely be a good time.

Stay tuned for more.

Next: On The Road With October Sky – New York City

Previous: On The Road With October Sky – Decatur, IL

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