Modest Mouse estrena vídeo de 'Lampshades On Fire'

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por Personal Altwire

Modest Mouse’s Strangers To Ourselves dropped this past Tuesday, after an eight year break since their last record We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank. Having led up to its release with five songs, Modest Mouse have now released a music video for their first single, premiering ‘Lampshades On Fire’ yesterday on VEVO.

Described as visceral and surreal, the video  is directed by Jorge Torres-Torres featuring Orange Is The New Black actress Natasha Lyonne within the chaos. The seemingly random scenes of reckless abandon actually tie in with the song’s frantic call of climate devastation; people creating havoc and then moving on to a new planet to do it all again.

“We are absolutely fucked,” Brock told Rolling Stone before its premiere. Watch the video below.

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