Falling In Reverse lanza el video musical de 'Superhero'

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por Personal Altwire

Falling In Reverse lanzó hoy un video de "Superhero".
Falling In Reverse lanzó hoy un video de "Superhero".

Earlier today, Falling In Reverse announced on their social media pages that they released a music video for the single “Superhero.”


“Superhero” backs the emotional deepness and big, orchestral hooks on their latest album, Coming Home.

Fans of the Netflix series Stranger Things will definitely want to check this one out. The video follows a group of kids who devise a plan to build a spaceship to escape real-world problems: An alcoholic father, the school bullies, football coaches. The video opens with an ’80s-style synth sequence and letters floating together like the Stranger Things intro and ends with the kids sneaking out on their bicycles in the middle of the night to blast off into outer space.

The video is directed by Ethan Lader.

Relacionado: Falling In Reverse releases “Coming Home”

The single comes off Falling In Reverse’s latest album, Coming Home, which was released in April by Epitaph Records.

For Falling In Reverse tour dates, merchandise and news, visit Su sitio web.

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