Darko toma una postura poderosa con “The Ladder”

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por Derek Osvaldo


UK Melodic Hardcore act oscuro has released a new anti-misogyny single called ‘The Ladder.’

The fiery 8-minute track offers a first listen to the band with their new vocalist, Tom West, after former vocalist Dan Smith retired from the band in 2020 and returned home to his native Australia. For over a decade, Darko has been a part of the UK Melodic Hardcore scene, and Dan’s lyrics and melodies have left quite a legacy.

However, their new EP hopes to bring about positive change in the punk community. With their signature blend of melodic hardcore, they’re sure to get you headbanging while they preach about the importance of standing up against sexism in the punk scene. 

In their new track, West urges fellow punks to take a stand against the scene’s “embedded misogyny,” screaming, “How can we bring change with only people who look like us up on stage?”. Katz Hinsley of Manchester’s Follow Your Dreams adds her signature screams to the track.

Tom West may be a familiar name to fans of UK shredders, Almeida. However, with West at the helm, the band has hit back against punk’s gender inequality to launch their most unbridled attack yet. In their fiery new music, fans of Polar Bear Club, Mastodon, A Wilhelm Scream, Protest The Hero, Levantarse contra y Propagandhi will all find something to like.

Be sure to check out Darko’s new single ‘The Ladder’ and keep an eye out for their forthcoming EP! 

If you’re interested in learning more about Darko, be sure to follow them on social media or check out their websites linked below.

What are your thoughts on Darko’s new single? Let us know in the comments!



Tom West – Vocals Rob Piper- Guitar / Backing Vocals

Chris Brown- Guitar / Backing Vocals

Karl Sursham- Bass / Backing

Vocals Andy Borg- Drums





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