[AltWire Interview] Dame mit Megosh

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter


Normally, I would introduce the readers to the featured band that I am interviewing: Megosh.

Today’s different.

I want you guys to hear this band first before you read the interview. Trust me, if you haven’t heard of Megosh, do yourself a solid and check out the video below this paragraph before you read this interview.

Thank me later.

AltWire: How did you all meet & when/how did the band form ?

Megosh: We all met on different circumstances, yet, all (in some way) have social media platforms to thank for our uniting. Finch and Myself (Josh) knew each other since elementary school. However, like kids do, we separated and went down different paths. Coincidentally and thankfully, Finch and I both fell into music. I don’t know what made me think of him, or him of me, but we both reached out to each other on MySpace on the same day years later…. creepy right? Derv was a Craigslist whore.

AW: Why did you name yourselves “Megosh”?

Megosh: Megosh is from the movie Willow.

AW: Do you all have similar music styles & tastes as each other ? How has that help to shape the sound and style of your music?

Megosh: Not at all. We all have vastly different tastes in music, and each is too lengthy to list even on the individual level because we all like so much music.

I think between all  of the members, every artist  is liked of respected in some manner between the 4 of us. Maybe that’s why Megosh sounds like Megosh (we are all over the place)!

AW: What other artists inspire your lyric writing & sound?

Megosh: Speaking for myself, Saves the Day was a huge influence on me as a teenager. I think Chris’ writing style has definitely helped guide me and even mold my own.

AW: Your video for “Checkerboards & Cigarettes” has a great narrative and 80’s movie nostalgia feel. Did you come up with the concept & what are your favorite things about the video?

Megosh: We all kinda put our heads together. We wanted that Stranger Things/Goonies vibe. We are children of the 80’s after all.

AW: In that video we also see a lot of gaming & nerdy imagery is that a passion you all share?

Megosh: I’d say yes. Our characters may be a little exaggerated but we definitely need it up on the reg.

AW: What can fans expect from your upcoming live performances in Lancaster, PA on April 14th & 15th?

Megosh: A bunch of new songs. Almost the whole damn album between the acoustic set and the full band performance.

AW: What would you like Megosh to accomplish this year & do you have any plans already in the works?

Megosh: We need an agent. We’d like to get on some notable tours and grow our reach.

Photo by: Beth Saravo 

AW: Do your families support your music careers by coming to your shows?

Megosh: I have to give credit to all our families on this but I’ll focus the lot of it to Finch’s grandmother Nan. She comes to our shows in a wheelchair. She’s always supported us.

AW: You’ve been performing live shows for quiet a few years now, what have been the highlights for you and do you have a favorite place to perform ?

Megosh: Webster Hall has always been a great time for us live. We have so many stories but to sum them up in just a short paragraph wouldn’t do them justice. I can say we’ve been a lot of great places and have met a lot of great people.

AW: Who have been some of your favorite bands to perform along side with?

Megosh: We really enjoyed our short run with Thank You Scientist. Those guys were truly amazing and their crowds welcomed us with open arms.

AW: How was your experience collaborating with Garret Rapp on your song “Carrying Fire”?

Megosh: It was really smooth. I simply texted Garret and asked him if he was interested. Luckily for us he was more than happy to help us out, and was coincidentally already in the studio at the time recording their latest album.

AW: Lastly, what would you like to say to your fans?

Megosh: Stick with us, share and spread the love. We can’t do anything without you all.

Be sure to visit Megosh’s website at: megoshmusic.com. There you can find links to their music, videos, and learn all about this awesome band! 

Cover Photo by: Jonathan Thorpe   Courtesy of: megoshmusic.com

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