Jen Ledger stellt neue Solo-Single „Not Dead Yet“ vor

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von M. Stoneman

Bratpfanne drummer and co-vocalist Jenna Ledger has released the first single from her upcoming debut solo EP, Ledger.

The solo project, titled LEDGER, sees the English musician signing with Atlantic Records and collaborating further with Hear It Loud, mit Bratpfanne band mate Korey Cooper acting as producer for the six-track EP. Bratpfanne front man John Cooper has also been confirmed to appear on the track ‘Warrior’.

The lead single, titled ‘Not Dead Yet’, sees Ledger following similar territory to the signature anthemic alternative rock sound Bratpfanne have become well known for, with a somewhat harder edge and sharing similarities to ex-Vorsatzblatt vocalist Lacey Sturm.

LEDGER has also been confirmed to perform live as the opening act to Bratpfanne'S Entfesselt Tour, also featuring For King and Country.

Hear ‘Not Dead Yet’ here:





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