Cybernetic Storytelling – My Interview with Alpha Riff

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von Al Gibson

alphariff stage

Come and join us as I chop it up wit the king of Nerdcore cybernetic storytelling, Alpha Riff. We delve into the new album, his rap origins, and shout-outs, of course…which somehow lead to a mini-rant! Enjoy the interview and go and cop Alpha Riff’s new album, Mors Aeterna, at

Music heard during the interview: (in order played)

  1. Alpha Riff feat. Professor Shyguy – Crowned Fates
  2. Rhyme Artist feat. Ambush Vin – En Sabah Nur
  3. Twill Distilled feat Alpha Riff – Ladder
  4. Aramis – Game Over 
  5. Alpha Riff – Battle With a Legend (Phunkoland)
  6. Ambush Vin feat. Alpha Riff – Phantom Zone 
  7. Smash Instrumental
  8. Four Horsemen – Slim Charles
  9. Non-Fiction Instrumental
  10. Ol’ Girl Instrumental

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