Das Northern Touch Music Festival gibt Karrieren neuen Schwung
Northern Touch Music Festival is much more than a music conference. I attended, and performed at NTMF 2019 last June. This was only my 2nd performance in the city of Winnipeg, but this was ...

Troydak Traco weigert sich, seine Grind-Arbeit bei „Decline“ aufzugeben
Troydak Traco, from the gritty city of Gary, IN, has a message for everybody who feels that the dark clouds overhead are permanent. On his new release, Decline, he informs the world that regardless ...
Luke Wallace veröffentlicht neue Single „Jet Lag“ [Pressemitteilung]
Luke Wallace, acclaimed folk, Americana singer-song writer, embodies a new wave of politically charged folk music, writing the soundtrack for a movement of people rising up to meet the social and environmental challenges of ...

Charlie Fettah ist die Brücke des Winnipeg Hip-Hop
Charlie Fettah will unbedingt das Geld für seine Familie sichern. Der ehemalige Songschreiber von Winnipeg's Most hat sich die Zeit genommen, mir ein Videointerview zu geben, obwohl seine Tour ...

BLITZ VEGA veröffentlicht neue Single – „Lost and Found“ [Pressemitteilung]
After a triumphant debut live performance at The House of Machines in Los Angeles last month, BLITZ VEGA (featuring Andy Rourke of The Smiths and KAV, formerly of Happy Mondays), have released their newest single “Lost & Found.” The song premiered on FLOOD MAGAZINE who ...

Der Inbegriff – Still Trill: Explosiver Hip-Hop
The Epitome hat offensichtlich ein Problem mit uns allen. Der aus Kansas City stammende und häufig mit Ish1da kollaborierende Musiker hat gerade eine Super Spirit Bomb auf die Lieblingsplattformen aller Musikstreamer geworfen. Ich fordere Sie heraus ...
NTMF 2019: Das Northern Touch Music Festival ist der wahre Knaller
NTMF 2019 was held in the historic Exchange District of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Winnipeg is known for a lot of things. It is known for it’s diversity, it boasts the largest percentage of Filipino population ...
Amadians – Junge Herzen versagen [AltWire-Rezension]
It’s so refreshing to hear a feel good song about young love in 2019. Too often, we hear about the woes of young love, and how we should all avoid it at all costs. ...
Shea feat Postwar – Perrier (produziert von Uthoria)
Perrier reminded me that I have a confession to make… …when I hear any music that is super lit, I temporarily (remember that word) become enslaved by the beat. I transform into my alter-ego ...
LEX the Lexicon Artist – Raging Ego Rezension
LEX stuns in her new Raging Ego release. Read below for more: At some point in its short history, Hip-Hop became extremely diverse. Back in the day, that means the late 80’s and 90’s ...
[AltWire Interview] LEX Der Lexikon-Künstler
Erfahren Sie unten mehr über LEX The Lexicon Artist und ihren Stil des „weird smart rap“! AltWire [Omayra]: Also, was können Sie mir über sich erzählen, was Ihre zukünftigen Fans wissen sollten? Lex ...
Gasparilla Music Festival Reveals The Roots and Father John Misty as Headliners
The Gasparilla Music Festival presented by Cigar City Brewing have unveiled the initial lineup of acts that will be performing at the 7th Annual Gasparilla Music Festival taking place March 10-11, 2018 in downtown Tampa. More performers will ...
Ed Sheeran erobert Spotify – Meistgestreamt im Jahr 2017
Photo Credit: Scott Legato / RockStarProPhotography.com Ed Sheeran fans now have an official reason to scream with joy, as if the singer is blessing them a 24-hour live performance. That’s because he is…via their ...
AltWire Editorial: Der seltsame Fall des Hip-Hop
Boom Bap. Trap. Lo-Fi. Mob Music. Although there are dozens of different styles of Hip-Hop, few outside of the Hip-Hop culture wouldn’t know it. It’s all “Rap Music” to them. Whatever style of is ...
Aramis – The Review of a Virtuoso
When we speak the word “Virtuoso”, we think about the classical greats: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, etc. In good-natured bias, I did the same thing. Correction – used to do the same thing. Hip-Hop & ...
Ish1da – AK-47 Ronin
Listen to and purchase AK-47 Ronin at ish1da.bandcamp.com It is also available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon Music. What is evolution? The dictionary defines evolution as the gradual development of something, especially from ...
Linkin Park – Heavy feat. Kiiara Rezension
Chester Bennington just trolled every Linkin Park fan who was expecting to hear… …Chester Bennington. I mean the Chester that we’re used to. The Chester whose vocal presence was “one step closer to ...
Cybernetic Storytelling – My Interview with Alpha Riff
Come and join us as I chop it up wit the king of Nerdcore cybernetic storytelling, Alpha Riff. We delve into the new album, his rap origins, and shout-outs, of course…which somehow lead to ...
Between the Buried and Me und Devin Townsend Project kündigen „Transcending The Coma Tour“ an
Good news, Dallas Gas Monkey Bar N’ Grill Patrons! Between the Buried and Me and Devin Townsend Project are announcing “Transcending The Coma Tour”. This will be a Fall co-headlining tour starring both of the progressive metal heavyweights with ...