AltWire Indie Artist Of The Week – Jesse Boykins III

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

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This week I would like to direct your attention to Jamaican soul singer Jesse Boykins III who brings world vibes to Brooklyn where he is currently based. Boykin is a musical veteran having studied under classical trainer Kamal Scott Und Bilal. Drawing from influences of Stevie Wonder, D’ Angelo, Bilal, Und Maxwell Boykin is able to craft a classic yet modern take on soul/neo soul bringing in bits of world music as well. For those looking to get acquainted with Boykin’s soulful vibes listen to his latest release ‘Bartholomew‘. Here is one of the lead singles from the release entitled ‘Everybody Shut Up’

Jesse Boykins III- Everybody Shut Up

To see the rest of Jesse’s visual expressions from the album ‘Bartholomew‘ visit his YouTube channel and be sure to subscribe and purchase his latest release.


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