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Albumrezension: Watsky – All You Can Do

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

Oh, my, Watsky. Slam-Poet-turned-rapper, George Watsky, has really outdone himself on his newest album, ‘All You Can Do’, released on August 12th, 2014. This album features so many genres that even the strictest rock, rap, or any other specific genre follower can’t help but binge play this album until they are literally singing it in their sleep. In my opinion, this album is pure gold, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for something new and inventive to listen to.

Watsky touches upon so many subjects in ‘All You Can Do’, but relates them all with great skill, making the tracks and stories within them flow with perfection. He dedicated the album to his parents and the music they grew up on, late 60’s/early 70’s, and the album at times definitely gives off the hippie feel of that era. He makes this album even more unique by interviewing his parents and adding quotes to the songs and transitions. This makes the theme of music from the 60’s/70’s even more evident and shows the dedication to his parents was not just about putting their faces on the cover, but actually including them in his work. I feel this feature makes the album that much more appealing because it’s almost like time traveling to a different time in the music industry.

Many people think of rap music as a rapper usually accompanied by a DJ mixing his beats for him. Watsky uses a full band behind his lyrics, which is just another thing that makes this album stand out above others. The music behind his voice is very diverse and complex, and every song sounds entirely different than the one before it. The band also helps with creating the diverse genre style that makes the album so appealing.

There’s Watsky’s album, and then there’s ‘Cannon Ball’. This song is the perfect song to end an already amazing album. This song features Stephen Stills singing a hook tied to a piece of spoken word written about Watsky’s parents. It’s beautifully written, and makes you want to travel back in time to find a love just like Clair and Paul Watsky. ‘Cannon Ball’ takes George Watsky’s past of spoken word, and ties it into the past of his parents, making one deep, thought provoking piece of work.

In my opinion, ‘All You Can Do’ is one of the best albums of 2014, and should be recognized for being the amazing piece of work that it is. Watksy talks about the past of his parents, and how they came to be where they are, as well as his past and how he will grow into the adult side of himself. Watsky wanted this album to be eclectic musically, and I’d say he mastered it.

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