D. Ridley uses the Force to spit some BARS!

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by Al Gibson


Apparently, Daisy Ridley now has another accolade to add to her resume.

The bombshell actress is now a rapper.

On the Target edition of The Force Awakens, John Boyega jokes in a bonus feature, “I have an eye for talent. I just said ‘You know what, I can make you a big star.'”

Then Boyega transforms into Doug E. Fresh and beatboxes as D. Ridley spits a few quick bars about The Force Awakens:

“We all up in the desert and we filming Star Wars /
Because of our diet we can eat no Mars bars /
Because of the explosions JB [John Boyega] crawling on all fours /
Because of all the heat we can really make some s’mores.”

Should we look out for the actress in her possible debut, “Jakku 4 Beats”? Stay Tuned!

Images: Entertainment Tonight

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