
AltWire Artists To Watch: Vitruvia

by Altwire Staff

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Since Altwire was created, our staff has kept an open mind regarding acts from all walks of life. We cover bands that are famous to bands that are up and coming. At the historic Chameleon Club, Lancaster, PA on February 13th, I had the opportunity to witness a young upcoming band that justifies writing a concert review. Extremely impressive was this band called Vitruvia from the tiny town of Fleetwood, PA. This quad of power rock put forth a performance that just blew me away!

Vitruvia features original alternative heavy rock at its finest and features Dana Hinnershitz on guitar/keys/clean vocals, Kris Morganti on bass/clean and dirty vocals, Christian Howell on guitar and Bobby Palko on drums. This act was awesome, showing a stage presence that was astounding for a newer band. The performance was extremely tight, showing skills of major touring bands. From the guitar play to vocals to drums, Vitruvia rocked the show as the opening act.

Having been together for just a couple of years, Vitruvia started as a Christian rock act before going full alternative heavy metal. Their originals are well written and have the sound that I am certain will bring this band huge success in the future. They, unfortunately, only were permitted to play 6 songs that night, but band leader Dana Hinnershitz has assured me there are plenty more to come, especially off their soon-to-release debut EP titled “Reborn”.

For this show, Vitruvia’s set list consisted of “Breaking Point”, “Confiding Reconciliation”, “All Alone”, original theme song from “Power Rangers”, “Walking Through Concrete” and “Once an Angel”. It was impressive how well the band well to the crowd; a random opener caused the audience to explode into mass bedlam. All around people were wondering “who the fuck is this band”? Chameleon Club has always been a tough place to sound right but Vitruvia owned it.

I predict huge things for this band in the near future. Vitruvia is a must see act that will leave you wanting to hear more. For all tour promoters out there looking for under card opening acts in the Pennsylvania/NJ area this is the act for you! Remember this name Vitruvia, you read about them first right here on Altwire!

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