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Amadians – Young Hearts Fail [AltWire Review]

by Al Gibson

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Amadians at The Forks - Canada Day

It’s so refreshing to hear a feel good song about young love in 2019. 

Too often, we hear about the woes of young love, and how we should all avoid it at all costs. We associate young love with puppies, which in my opinion is unfair to all of the adorable puppies being compared with pre-evolved humans, who shy away from natural emotions. 

Jilted lovers utter the word ‘love’ as if they time-traveled from 14th century Europe, to warn us about this imminent plague called Young Love that would befall modern-day Earth.

I hate to tell our time-weary friends, Black Death didn’t win. But, young love does.

Amadians’ Young Heart Fails should be mandatory on every doubtful lover’s playlist. The vibe of this song screams positive vibes. It is literally impossible to have a negative thought while this song is playing.

Believe me, I tried.

I thought of everything from my ex-wife to U.S. politics, all I could see were the positive aspects of both! Amadians lead vocalist Courtney Devon has such an amazing, soulful, & powerful voice that somehow manages to be mellow and soothing at the same time.  Her voice goes perfectly with the positive vibe of this song, as she sings:

You may never know what you’ve given me

But I can’t show you what’s impossible to see

They say young hearts fail, well, we prove them wrong

They’re on the sidelines just singing along

Amadians band members James Roth (guitars), Ian Powell (bass), and Kyle Fox (drums), give a hell of a performance during the bridge span of the song. While James’ lead guitar solo slightly stands out in front, it’s not so commanding that it drowns out Ian or Kyle’s equally impressive performances. 

Young Hearts Fail manages to have the lyrics of a ballad, while being an upbeat song. The lyrics that Courtney sing on the hook proves this:

Here’s to our nights never wasted

Days filled with memories created

Here’s to the one person who never let me down

Who tells me I’m beautiful without making a sound

On a side note, I had the pleasure of meeting Courtney, as well as singer Kenzie Jane, in Winnipeg at Northern Touch Music Festand watching her perform on Canada Day at the Forks. I can tell you from experience that the positive energy that she displays on Young Hearts Fail is not just a showcase. Watching her performance at the Forks, you could tell that she was really into her performance, as she danced all around the stage and spread all of her positive vibes into the audience.

Courtney Devon
Courtney Devon at Canada Day at The Forks in Winnipeg
Courtney Devon and Kenzie Jane at NTMF 2019
 Courtney Devon and Kenzie Jane at NTMF 2019
Sometimes, couples tend to lose their way and find themselves in dark places and wo

nder, “How did we get here?” This song will also remind its listeners of the reason they fell in love with each other in the first place, and that love is all that matters. I also recommend Young Hearts Fail as an addition to every loving couple’s playlists, including older couples, because real love makes us all feel young again right?  Visit Amadians on their site at: to follow them on social media! Follow Kenzie Jane at: and click here to hear her music on YouTube 

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