
[Altwire Interview] Wild Party: “Who Wouldn’t Wanna Go To a Wild Party?”

by Altwire Staff

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Wild Party

Wild Party is definitely one group that is living up to their adventurous moniker. Founded in 2011, and riding high off the release of their debut record Phantom Pop (October 7th – Old Friends), the band is growing into a refreshing sound that they self-identify as “Indie. Power. Pop.”.

Wild Party blends catchy melodic synth hooks and slick guitar riffs with uplifting drum beats to create a beat that’s fresh and worthy of your undivided attention.

While en route to the upcoming tour and waiting at the airport to catch a flight, bassist Ethan Kaufmann was generous enough to take a few brief moments to tell us more about the band and some of their most interesting moments. Read what he had to say below.

AltWire [Melissa Wilke]: How did you guys meet and get together as a band?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: I met Lincoln and Lucas through Lincoln’s older brother Jake. He had sent me a really rough demo of a song they had started. All the parts were really cool and I thought it would be fun to work on. We ended up getting together and working on music for the next year or so. When it came time to play live, I used to be in a band with Cary. I knew he was a great drummer… So I thought he’d be the perfect fit!

AW: The name of your band sounds very promising! Is there a special story about what inspired it?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: There’s definitely a touch of sarcasm in the name, but I think it just boils down to who wouldn’t wanna go to a wild party? Right? Right?!

AW: It’s impossible to imagine, but some of our readers might not know you yet. Can you describe your music in three sentences?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: I’ll do you one better than three sentences and give you three words. Indie. Power. Pop.

AW: You worked on your current album Phantom Pop for five years. Why did it take so long? Do you have a lot of demos left for a few more albums?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: It was a situation of us finding the right people to work with. We had a manager for a while that ended up being too busy to handle all of it. We found the right people eventually and just put our plan in motion.

AW: Do you have a favorite song on the album?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: I think all of us really like Chasin Honey… Probably cause it’s the newest though.

AW: You are being compared to The Killers and Two Door Cinema Club a lot. Have they influenced your music somehow, or are there any other musical influences? What was the last song you listened to?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: We’re definitely big fans of both those bands. I’m sure they have in the back of our minds. I don’t think we ever go into a writing situation looking to sound a certain way… It’s usually just trying to make catchy melodies or parts that people can dance or sing along to. I think the last thing I listened to was the new single by Catfish and the Bottlemen. We’re doing a few shows with them coming up and I hadn’t gotten a chance to check it out yet. Loved it!

AW: You are currently touring with Catfish and the Bottlemen, was there a recent show that stood out for you?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: My previous answer came too soon… I’m actually sitting at the airport en route to start the shows with them. I’ll keep you posted…

AW: What was the weirdest thing that happened during a tour so far?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: I found a crack pipe in my hotel room. Lincoln wrecked the trailer. Those two really stand out… Interesting things happen everyday though…

AW: We are getting close to the end of the year. What was your greatest moment of 2014 so far and what have you planned for 2015?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: All of 2014 has been great so far… I think in the new year we’re just excited to see how people react to our record. Hopefully well!

Listen to Wild Party’s latest single “Chasin’ Honey” Below:

You can find more about Wild Party at:

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