
Bring Me The Horizon Make A New ‘Throne’

by Altwire Staff

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Bring Me The Horizon have pulled up their roots in metal for their upcoming album That’s The Spirit, their fifth expected to drop September 11th. Though ‘Drown’ and ‘Happy Song’ have been released off the album, the first official single has been unveiled as ‘Throne.’

“It’s one of the most simple and straightforward songs we did,”  keyboardist and songwriter Jordan Fish told Rolling Stone“It’s got some elements we had on the last album [Sempiternal], with an up-tempo rhythm and really strong melodies. So it seemed like an obvious choice for the first single because it’s so immediately catchy and has such a good level of energy.”

‘Throne’ and That’s The Spirit are to said to reflect the band’s new state of mind both musically and emotionally, many defending that they’ve simply grown up and aren’t the same ‘furious youngsters’ anymore. Fish himself states:

“We don’t want to carry on and pretend we’re still full of angst. I think people would see right through that.”

Still, That’s The Spirit is not blind to the reality of life- ‘even when life is going well, there’s sometimes a nagging sadness that’s hard to shake.’ Fish explains further, “I think most people have that. It’s a slightly incomplete feeling that’s always there, and that comes from real life.

“Everyone has their own issues and anxieties, and mostly the new songs are about accepting them and trying to remain positive because there’s nothing else you can do.”

Vocalist Oli Skyes- who indeed is now revealing his vocal ranges beyond screaming- told NME recently also spoke on the new album: “It’s a celebration of depression, a way of making light of it.”

Sykes continues that, “‘That’s the spirit’ – it’s quite a depressing phrase when you think about it – the sort of thing you only ever use when you know there’s no positive answer to the situation.”

Bring Me The Horizon have also announced their first North American tour for the upcoming record this fall, starting the trek in October with Florida, ending with Knotfest in California. Tickets on sale NOW.


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