Lucky Fan Finds Imagine Dragons Hidden Treasure

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by Altwire Staff

As if the anticipation for Imagine Dragons’ upcoming album, ‘Smoke + Mirrors’, wasn’t already at an all time high, the guys kept the excitement growing by sending one lucky fan on a treasure hunt for a special Imagine Dragons style prize. On December 30th, Imagine Dragons posted a picture of the new album cover, along with some very vague directions on how to find a special hidden prize.

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To many, the caption meant nothing and led nowhere; however, 13 year old super-fan, Lindsea Taylor, knew the band well, and upon further inspection of the cover-art, was able to decode the hidden message. After zooming in on the picture, Lindsea noticed a set of backwards numbers that appeared to be coordinates. After entering the coordinates in to Google, it led to a site in the band’s hometown of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, Lindsea lives in Florida; however, luckily enough, her family is from Utah and her grandparents still lived there. After enough begging, her grandparents agreed to go on the treasure hunt for her, and after some digging around in the Nevada desert, they managed to find the buried treasure!

[fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/]


The Prize include a guitar signed by the entire band, signed Polaroid pictures of the band, signed drumsticks, and a special pass to get into any show on the Smoke + Mirrors for free!

[fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/]


Congratulations to Lindsea! This isn’t the first time the guys have given the fans a hidden message for an awesome prize with this album. When Imagine Dragons announced the release date of the album, February 17th,  2015, they posted, “02172015, it’s more than just a date”. Fans had some thinking to do to figure this one out, but once the code was cracked, fans found out that by going to, they were able to hear an Imagine Dragons single, ‘Gold’, off the upcoming album. When posting the picture of Lindsea’s prize on their Facebook, the band also said “many more big surprises to come soon…”. Hopefully we can expect another surprise from the guys before the release of the album!

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