Leilani Wolfgramm at Celery City Craft 01/26/19

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by Omayra Lopez

Leilani Wolfgramm

Whether she’s at the recording studio, an amphitheater in front of thousands, or a simple acoustic session in her hometown, Leilani Wolfgramm always pours her heart and soul into her music.

Since 2014, the Orlando reggae star has entered the scene adding her own unique twist of country, folk, R&B and hip Hop in songs narrating her childhood, personal struggles, joys and everything in between.

We recently had the pleasure of enjoying an acoustic session with Leilani at Celery City Craft Brewery in Downtown Sanford. While she’s performed with other major artists such as Ziggy Marley, SOJA, Sublime with Rome and Incubus, she still remains true to her hometown roots.

See photos from the event below:

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”148″ gal_title=”Leilani Wolfgramm at Celery City Craft, Sanford”]





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