Talking Violet has spent the last 3 years perfecting their ability to create music that transports the listener to a sonic dreamland. The Ontario quartet melds the best elements of shoegaze, grunge, alternative rock and dream-pop into a sound that is equal parts an homage to the greats of each genre and an original statement that highlights the bands mature approach to songwriting.
“Superego” (May 14th) is the latest from the band and features guitarist Jay Turnbull stepping up as lead vocalist. The song hits immediately with chunky guitar chords on top of swirling synths before moving into a haunting verse. Turnbull’s vocals are both anguished and brooding; he pulls the song in a distinctly menacing direction with a controlled performance that seethes with emotion. The band is adept at the sort of dynamic building, push-pull performing that makes for truly compelling alt rock, their prodigious ability is on full display here as they build the song to a fever pitch punctuated by subtle moments of beauty. 90s’ alternative is a clear influence – you’ll hear shades of Smashing Pumpkins, Swervedriver и My Bloody Valentine throughout. The production on the track is huge, maximizing the bands ability to create a lush wall of sound without losing any of the intensity or edge of their punk roots. Fans of modern acts like Гражданин, Бой за титул и Tigers Jaw will all find something to love on this song, while discovering a group with a sound very much their own.
“’Superego’ is a song about the hesitation that comes with ending a close friendship that is no longer healthy.” Turnbull explains. “The back and forth that goes on in your head, wondering what you did wrong, why things turned out the way they did, and accepting moving forward with your life. I wrote this song a few years ago, but at the time I was choosing to distance myself from one of my best friends. This song is more or less a letter to that person, getting all the things off my chest I didn’t say.”
Listen to “Superego” здесь.
Talking Violet will be presenting several more singles culminating in the release of their debut LP later this year. You can find limited edition merchandise and streaming links on the bands официальный сайт.
Talking Violet is an alternative shoegaze group hailing from Windsor Ontario. Consisting of Jill Goyeau (vocals, guitar) Jay Turnbull (guitar, vocals), Nate Blackton (bass, vocals) and Jeremie Brousseau (drums), the band grew from their roots as a vibrant duo and blossomed into a full quartet in 2017. Ready to push the boundaries of their genre, the band has steadily been releasing singles and videos since their 2018 EP “Round Dreams”. They will release their debut LP in late 2021.