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Фото: Slightly Stoopid @ Cocoa, FL

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к Омайра Лопес

Слегка сутулится

Слегка сутулится have officially announced that “School’s Out For Summer” by kicking off a tour celebrating the release of their latest album “Everyday Life, Everyday People.” For this year’s tour, they’ve brought along  two very special guests, Фигурка и Перец.

For myself, a major highlight of this tour has been the awareness of the welfare of shelter and rescue pets, a cause brought to the forefront by Фигурка who brought Cocoa The Tour Dog along ( for the tour. While the band lineup was truly epic, it was this 6 year old female Australian Shepherd who truly stole the show.

The Слегка сутулится tour tour has indeed has something for both music and dog lovers and for the Cocoa, FL show I attended, tickets sold out fast!

This is a lineup you do not want to miss and you should catch them at a city near you!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”132″ gal_title=”Slighty Stoopid – Pepper – Stick Figure”]

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