Музыкальный фестиваль Northern Touch представляет новую платформу «Cue&A»

Последнее обновление:

к Justin Mathews

Музыкальный фестиваль Northern Touch





Музыкальный фестиваль Northern Touch has launched the first stage of a 5-day per week live broadcast programming network, working with partners out of Canada, and cities New York & Atlanta. The first of these programs is a weekly question and answer segment titled Cue&A with host artist Cue Carbon. This program focuses on educational content via some questions which are submitted by followers and other artists via NTMF’s social media pages.

This show also features guest appearances by some of those said followers via live video stream. This new network emphasizes and encourages creativity during an isolation and quarantine era world while, bringing fun and knowledgeable entertainment to worldwide audiences. With high quality studios similar to larger media companies, this new network will soon become a staple for worldwide audiences.

Shows are starting to roll out via NTMF‘s social media pages on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. You can watch by following the links below:

Фейсбук: https://www.facebook.com/watch/NorthernTouchMusicFest/984687101988936/

Инстаграм:  https://instagram.com/northerntouchmusicfest

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/NTMusicFest


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