
Автору песен группы Kiss предъявлены обвинения в детской порнографии

к Посох Альтвайра

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63-year-old Stephen Coronel, co-songwriter for the band Kiss and former guitarist of Wicked Lester, is currently facing multiple counts of child pornography charges. Coronel was arrested on September 26th, in Beaufort South Carolina and following a police search of his apartment, is facing five counts of exploiting a minor. Sgt. Robin McIntosh reported that number of electronic devices and other evidence were seized on the day of the arrest. Additional details were unavailable due to the pending forensic analysis of the items.

Stephen Coronel was the guitarist of band Wicked Lester in 1970 and 1971, a band that involved both Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of Kiss. The band was signed to Epic records, but never released an album. Coronel assisted in the writing of serveral Kiss hits including ‘Goin’Blind’ from ‘Hotter Than Hell’ (1974) and ‘She’ from ‘Dressed To Kill’ (1975).

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