
Барабанщик Kings Of Leon пострадал в аварии автобуса во время тура

к Дерек Освальд

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Короли Леона
Короли Леона

Kings Of Leon’s Nathan Followill has been injured in an accident involving the band’s tour bus Saturday night (August 9th). Occurring en route to their hotel room after their recent Boston, MA show, the injury was sustained when the bus was forced to come to a sudden halt, injuring Followill and breaking his ribs during the accident.

In a statement via their official Facebook, Kings of Leon broke the news of the injury and announced their Sunday show in Saratoga Springs, NY would be delayed until further notice with refunds being issued to the ticket holders:

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/KingsOfLeon/posts/10152427506531107/” width=”550″/]

While Nathan was said to be “doing well” following the accident, the injury could not have come at a more inopportune time for Kings of Leon. With a jam packed touring schedule that includes the Made In America Festival and a spot on The Tonight Show, the band currently are scheduled for over 30 tour dates throughout the remainder of the year. Currently there is no information as to whether or not the band will be canceling any of their immediate shows, or if Followill will be able to finish the remainder of the tour in his injured state.

The band’s critically acclaimed latest record Mechanical Bull was released in September of latest year, and peaked at number two on the Billboard 200. Their latest single “Family Tree” can be heard below:

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