#TheSpark: AltWire рекомендует – неделя с 15.05.17 по 21.05.17

Добро пожаловать в The Spark, раздел на AltWire, где мы освещаем веселых, интересных и разнообразных артистов, которые, по нашему мнению, заслуживают вашего пристального внимания. Все доступно для немедленного потребления и в удовлетворяющем ...

[Интервью AltWire] Майки Майк

If you’ve been walking around the streets of LA recently, you may have caught billboards scattered around town featuring a rather bizarre individual called Mikey Mike. With slogans like “Ginger curious? Send nudes” and ...

Обзор: Linkin Park – One More Light (2017) – Шедевр

Before diving into this review, I need to warn you: I am a ‘poptimist.’ I don’t find all pop music to be inherently flawed, and I am aware that some Linkin Park fans coming ...

#TheSpark: AltWire рекомендует – неделя с 01.05.17 по 07.05.17

Добро пожаловать в The Spark, раздел на AltWire, где мы освещаем веселых, интересных и разнообразных артистов, которые, по нашему мнению, заслуживают вашего пристального внимания. Все доступно для немедленного потребления и в удовлетворяющем ...

Кифер Сазерленд

Кифер Сазерленд: «Правда в том, что я не Джек Бауэр…»

With over 30 years’ experience and more than 70 film and television credits, Kiefer Sutherland has become arguably one of the most recognizable actors of our generation. Known for his roles in films like ...

В центре внимания: Torvus Underground Metal Apparel

If you’re a woman and into the metal scene, you may have noticed that buying your favorite band’s merch is tough. Most merch consists of hoodies and t-shirts and on the whole, is generally geared ...

Эми Ли

Интервью с Эми Ли: творческая свобода и новая музыка

As arguably one of the best voices in music today, Amy Lee manages to add a unique element to any music she touches, through her skillful vocals, unbridled creativity, and emotionally engaging songwriting that ...

Фанаты раскопали ранние рэп-демо Майка Шиноды, записанные до Hybrid Theory

If you’ve been following Linkin Park’s diverse career, side projects and assorted guest appearances, you’ll know that Mike Shinoda at times has dropped some pretty serious bars, and excellent wordplay through his hip-hop oriented ...

Linkin Park анонсировали «One More Light» и выпустили сингл «Heavy» с участием KIIARA

If you’ve been following AltWire since it’s inception back in 2013, you’ll know that there’s no secret how much some of us love the band Linkin Park. Through their game changing debut record Hybrid ...

Раздача AltWire: выиграйте призовой пакет III.O от Kitshickers

To celebrate the release of Kitshickers’ phenomenal new release III.O we here at AltWire are happy to announce a special giveaway, where two lucky winners will walk away with one III.O vinyl, a t-shirt ...

Эми Ли

Интервью с Эми Ли: ее блестящая карьера, воспитание и многое другое…

One of the biggest acts of the early 2000s, the rock band Evanescence, fronted by Amy Lee, came exploding onto the scene with their smash 2003 hit ‘Bring Me To Life’. Buoyed by inclusion ...

Бумажный маршрут

Путь бумаги: за кулисами настоящих эмоций

Released earlier this summer, and featured on the FIFA 17 soundtrack, the fast and furious single “Chariots” by indie rock group Paper Route is one of the hottest tracks we here at AltWire have ...


Статья AltWire: Лучшие толпы и города Crobot

As a companion piece to our interview with Crobot, we asked Crobot to name some of their favorite crowds and towns. Below is what they had to say.  GLASGOW, SCOTLAND   Our first trip ...

Из пепла к новому

Из пепла к новому: самое необычное интервью на свете

Есть интервью с турами, а есть интервью с ребятами из From Ashes To New. Читайте дальше и смейтесь, пока Дерек отчаянно пытается не дать этому сойти с рельсов...


Интервью в Мэне: Warped Tour '16

This interview with Pat of The Maine was conducted on-site at The 2016 Warped Tour in Scranton.  AltWire [Derek Oswald]: First off, how has Warped Tour been for you so far? Pat Kirch / ...

Десять тире

Интервью с Dash Ten: Warped Tour 16′

Editors Note: A few days after this interview was conducted, Dash Ten announced unexpectedly that they were pulling out of the Warped Tour citing reasons beyond their control. A year later, the band separated ...

Молодые стрелки

Интервью с Young Guns: Warped Tour '16

This interview with Gus of Young Guns was conducted on site at The 2016 Warped Tour in Scranton.  When we last caught up with Young Guns nearly two years ago at a tour stop ...

Эхо Блэк

Интервью Echo Black: Дэнни Блу о своей новой группе

After multiple releases under his own name Danny Blu, Danny has stepped out with a new band, Echo Black. Read more below. AW: The creation of Echo Black is fairly recent, having only been ...

Американские Волки

[Интервью AltWire] Американские волки

AW: American Wolves are only two years young by official accounts; how old is it by intentions and the relationship between the four of you? How and when did the band get together? American ...


Интервью DREAMERS: Вопрос-ответ с Ником Уолдом

AltWire [Derek Oswald]: Well, first, just want to say that it’s been quite awesome seeing DREAMERS grow as much as you guys have in the last two years. Nick Wold [DREAMERS]: Oh, thanks so ...

Статьи Дерека Освальда